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Petit Family Murders – Deliberations Continue


After receiving final instructions, jurors deliberated for about four hours yesterday.  They will resume deliberations this morning.

In what may be an indication as to which way the jurors are leaning, the jurors sent out a note asking, “When giving the verdict, do we need to specify if we have found him guilty as a principal or an accessory?”

Judge Jon Blue advised the jurors they don’t have to specify and if they find Komisarjevsky guilty of a charge, they don’t have to be unanimous on whether they believe he’s an accessory or principal.

It would appear this jury is taking their duty seriously and putting a good deal of thought into their deliberations.


  1. ritanita
    10/13/2011 at 9:01 am

    That was a great question for them to ask. In either siutation, he as as guilty as his partner in crime just being there. I’m so waiting for the verdictS to come in today.

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