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Casey Anthony Hearing – “Please Sir, May I Have Some More?”



The title and picture pretty much sum up my feelings about the motions today.  Yes, I know Baez, Mason and Lyon are all a tad older than the young, Mark Lester pictured above, but I could not get this image out of my head all weekend thinking about what the defense wants from Judge Perry!

Motion to Seal Jail Visiting Log Records

The defense doesn’t want any of us to know which experts they may use, who will be spending time in the OSCO jail with Casey.  Now, considering the detail the defense wants from the State, isn’t this sorta like, “do as I say, not as I do”?

Mason argues that this is a high profile case, the defense is aware of previous leaks by the jail.

Ms. Geppen (sp) lawyer for the county says all county records are public.  Currently 94 capital cases currently in the jail and if they do this for one, they would have to do it for all!

Request too broad and public records law has to be followed.

Perry states judicial can’t interfere with the executive branch of government.

Motion under advisement, but it doesn’t look promising for the defense.

Motion for Reconsideration of Certain Prior Rulings by Disqualified Judge

Yet again, the defense wants Joe Jordan’s illegal audiotape! 

This is coming in a close second to the TES issue.  Make it stop!

Judge Perry brings up a case where an audiotape was allowed because the Judge’s ruling was tainted.  He point blank asks Mason if he feels Judge Strickland’s ruling was tainted.  OMG!  Mason rudely laughed!

Perry asks, “Are you trying to get a second bite out of the apple?”

Perry denies the second bite!

George Anthony’s Grand Jury Testimony

Next, The defense wants a copy of George Anthony’s Grand Jury Testimony, basically using the justification; “the State has it so we want it too”!

Mason claims “someone” filed a civil suit on behalf of the nanny (Baez laughs at the defense table) and the State decided there “may” have been inconsistencies between the Grand Jury testimony and Anthony’s deposition for Morgan & Morgan!

The Judge (Strickland) ruled ok, but didn’t give the defense a copy.  “I will not call it a bad motive!  I don’t want to go down the road.”

Ashton counters there “may” have been inconsistencies between the Grand Jury Testimony and George Anthony’s testimony in the criminal case, not the civil case!

Ashton says there was no finding so it won’t come up at trial.

I swear, Mason and Baez are acting up like ‘boys behaving badly’ at the defense table, with all their giggling and smirking!

Judge Perry…motion denied!

The never-ending motion on the TES records (please make it stop!) and oops, Mason rudely or intentionally forgot to coordinate this with Mark NeJame, who had previously scheduled family obligation, so we ain’t hearing this one.

Motion to Strike State’s Notice of Aggravating Circumstances

Jeff Ashton provided five aggravating circumstances, but the defense says the State may use the circumstances.  Yeah, you pretty much guessed it – the defense wants to know exactly what the State will use.  Can you say work product?

Ashton counters they are a year away from trial and the State can only say may and he doesn’t know what other word he could have used because it may change with the evidence.

Judge Perry upholds Judge Strickland’s ruling.  What the State provided was appropriate and adequate!

Onto the tips gathered by LE.

Baez goes on about the defense motion in October 2008, to the point I dope off a bit!  What this boils down to are the two Roy Kronk phone calls and the Joe Jordan email to Yuri Melich!

Ok, the email is not a tip and the defense can file a public records request, geez!  And for God’s sake, we have all seen this stuff on the internet!

He whines he asked for records twice and spent $1600 for them and LE thought it was funny to give only partial information and he is basically saying LE jerked them around!

Drane Burdick pretty much indicated Baez is blowing smoke and she believed the records had been transferred to disc, but nobody picked them up!

Judge Perry tells Baez, “I gave you money for records, so just go do it!”

Judge Perry interrupts the hearing to chastise both parties.  He says the State and defense have been working this case for 2 years and the deadlines have been looming.  Both sides should or need to be 98% done with the case because we are close enough that things can and will come up that weren’t counted on and time will be needed to address those issues.  He also goes on to say he really believed the case should have begun January 2011, but he cut them slack!

Seems the honeymoon is officially over!

Supplemental Motion to Compel Forensic Discovery

Pretty much the defense wants the State to gather the information they are too lazy to get themselves.  Also, it is not the State who can force the issue, as they have no jurisdiction over the FBI, the ORNL, etc.

Baez claims he narrowed the scope of his request, but he has files with Excel charts, attachments, etc.  He mostly wants the ORNL proprietary testing information.

He rambles on about this is junk science and experimental and the National Academy of Forensic Science reports agree.

After it becomes apparent that Baez isn’t going to sit down anytime soon, Judge Perry asks, “Mr. Baez you are going to object to the introduction of this evidence?”  Baez says correct.

“You want it excluded as experimental and novel science?”  Baez says yes.

Perry says he is puzzled as to why we are doing this now instead of after the depositions scheduled for July.

Read cart before the horse!

Baez says without it, how can they know what questions to ask in deposition!

Perry says the State has to turn over papers and reports that will be used in trial.  If the State doesn’t have the information how can I force them to turn it over?

Perry says do the deposition in July and then we decide – you’re premature in asking for it now.

Motion denied without prejudice and the defense can file for additional discovery after the deposition if necessary.

“Please Sir, May I Have Some More?”

Uh, no!

So, in a nutshell, it appears the party is over!

Casey Anthony was not present for today’s hearing – here’s why

Casey Anthony Injured In Courthouse Fall

  1. Hilde
    06/01/2010 at 7:20 pm

    Great Summary of todays Hearing! 😉
    I watched most of it. Cheney Mason was embarrassing to watch.
    He was hard to understand with his mumbling and ill prepared for this Hearing.
    He is supposed to be a great Attorney, well today You couldn’t tell that he is but of course that is just my Observation.
    What stuck in my Mind today was Judge Perry asking Chaney Mason “if he feels Judge Strickland’s ruling was tainted?” than he said
    “Are you trying to get a second bite out of the apple?” I thought that was just great and made me smile, good for Judge Perry!
    Cheney Mason was stunned than he rudely laughed, clearly the Judge surprised him with that Question!
    Oh well, the Defense might as well get used to it.
    Judge Perry will be fair but wont fool around and waste time on any Non Sense.

  2. ritanita
    06/01/2010 at 7:35 pm

    Donchais, thanks for the summary. Thunder-boomers forced me off the internet and InSession tossed me off at 3:00. Read: I missed most of the hearing! To add to my woes, my computer is refusing to reboot so I can watch the re-run! My poor computer is in “full system recovery” mode right now. At least, I know what I have to look forward to!

    As to Ms. Anthony’s fall, I recall from her jailhouse letters that she mentioned she is a klutz.

  3. donchais
    06/01/2010 at 8:19 pm

    Thanks Hilde! I agree that it is hard to watch Mason. Have to wonder with the mumbling and not being able to locate cases and looking unprepared if he has some health/mental issues? He was going into retirement, but came aboard the Casey train because it was going to be ‘fun’!

    ritanita, I am so sorry for your computer woes! The storms got here as I was finishing the entry! I’ve no doubt how much more you will get out of the hearing!

  4. 06/01/2010 at 9:55 pm

    Great summary Donchais, and speedy too. You were the first up with an entry after the hearing on my blogroll….not that my blogroll is extensive but just saying….Donchais aka Speedy Gonzalez, not to be confused with a nanny Zenaida G. LOL!
    I tried to watch the hearing on wftv on 2 different browsers but it was off more than on. I did catch the tainted ruling/second bite at the apple question, my favorite part of the hearing. I also could not believe that Mason complained the defense has learned of some filings by the state in the media. GASP! SHOCK! Either he doesn’t have a clue or he is one devious SOB.

  5. donchais
    06/02/2010 at 5:17 am

    Thanks katfish! There is a method to my madness…or is it a madness to my method, lol!

  6. David From TN
    06/02/2010 at 12:56 pm

    Great work by both Ritanita and Donchais. Now, I want to see the trial.

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