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Casey Anthony And The Court Jesters


The Judge has indicated all along he has no problem working evenings and weekends, Jeff Ashton appeared not to have an issue and graciously thanked the court for scheduling the hearing.  The ‘Princess’ and her court jesters were obviously a different story! 

It all played out because of the Motion To Compel which contains the series of sophomoric emails by court jester #1!  Apparently, court jester #1 has reading comprehension issues or ADD and doesn’t get what, ‘the subject matter they will be testifying too’ means.

Jeff Ashton asked the Judge to clarify if the emails from court jester #1 met the criteria laid out by the Judge.  Ashton stated that the jester didn’t provide any information other than what was already known.

The court jester #1 complained to the court he didn’t know why they were even there!  It was a huge waste of time!  He offered to cooperate, but the state didn’t take him up on the offer.

His Honor was undoubtedly not amused and Judge Belvin Perry made that quite clear at yesterday’s 5pm hearing!

“Since ya’ll can’t seem to agree and understand what I meant the last time, it is hearby ordered by this court… state and defense are required to provide following: qualifications of experts, the expert’s field of expertise or specialty, a statement of the specific subjects upon which the expert will testify and offer opinions, the substance of the facts to which the expert is expected to testify, and a summary of the expert’s opinion and grounds for each opinion.”

Video 12/10/10 Hearing

Fox Orlando