
Archive for 10/23/2010

Casey Anthony Circus Car – Another Wheel Falls Off

10/23/2010 10 comments

I’ve been saying it for months and it came as no surprise to me that Linda Kenney Baden has bid adieu to the Anthony Big Top!

Folks laughed at me when I said LKB would be next, but I never, ever saw a real sense of commitment from her through all the TV appearances.

So the two top defense players hit the trail after their book publicity rounds!  I would bet neither Baden or Lyon had a solid belief in Casey’s innocence.  So much for ‘Junk Science’, we now apparently also have ‘Junk Lawyering’!

In a way, I do feel badly for Casey – she just ended up with the short end of the stick! Lyon gets replaced by Finnell, who doesn’t appear to have a whole lot going other than the movie which was more about her law partner than her and Baden has been replaced by Sims.  Don’t forget, Sims will now be the one to refute the ‘Junk Science’ yet her forte is going after doctors in disability cases!

I have to wonder what was going through her head when she went to the depos at the Body Farm and with Dr. G.  Is she watching streaming video of Quincy ME on her computer to overcome the learning curve?

So, the revolving door just keeps spinning – kinda like a roulette wheel!

The next piece of drama will take place Friday.  Casey, who hasn’t been in court since July, has to attend as Judge Perry will be hearing two motions.

For the third time, Baez is asking Perry to reconsider previous rulings over the public’s access to Anthony’s jail records, such as commissary purchases and visitors logs.  I do recall Judge Perry warning against submitting additional motions on something he had already ruled on.  Baez is of the belief the decision by the Fourth District Court of Appeals should apply to Casey who is in the Fifth District.  As I read the decision, I had serious questions as to whether Casey’s and the Brent case were even similar!

The second pertains to a motion asking for Perry to set a budget for penalty phase costs that new defense lawyer Ann Finnell would incur.  Finnell estimated her costs could reach $20,000.

JAC filed their response motion which was quite direct and blunt.  Pretty much, they made mincemeat out of Finnell’s motion.  Finnell, who has something like 35 years experience, showed some serious arrogance in her filing…she should know JAC rules by now!

Don’t think we’ll hear anything about Jeremy Lyons tampering with witnesses, but that’s a whole other story!

So, grab the drinks and popcorn and settle in for the 1:30 hearing – it ought to be a doozy!


Orlando Sentinel