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Earl Bradley – Worst Pedophile


~Earl Bradley

He has already been dubbed one of the worst pedophiles in US history and he may also soon be penniless.  Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden’s office has filed court papers seeking to freeze Earl Bradley’s assets.

Defense attorneys Gene Maurer and Paul Kania said they intended to pursue a mental health defense and that “expert” witnesses would cost exorbitant dollars.  If Biden is successful in freezing Bradley’s assets they will walk away from the case forcing the state – taxpayers – to shoulder the burden of the costly defense.

Maurer notified Superior Court President Judge James T. Vaughn Jr. of his decision last week. “No assets are available for his defense, and that’s that.”

Maurer also said that Bradley’s ex-wife and four children could not afford the costly defense and that Bradley’s parents are deceased.

Public Defender J. Brendan O’Neill said he was informed by Superior Court that Maurer and Kania were no longer working for Bradley.  O’Neill said that unless other private counsel step in, his office will be representing him.

Bradley’s March 24 arraignment will likely be delayed as state defenders begin interviewing Bradley and coming up to speed on the evidence.

Bradley is accused of abusing 102 young girls and one young boy.  Much of the abuse was captured on film.

It is believed that more charges will be filed after investigators finish interviewing parents and patients.  It has not been determined if Pennsylvania or New Jersey will also be bringing charges.

Delaware Online

  1. 03/22/2010 at 7:49 pm

    Hi Donchais!
    Didn’t this guy worked as a pediatrician up until the time of his arrest. There should be some assets for the state to seize.
    What and the heck does that defense attorney mean, ” Bradley’s ex wife and four children could not afford the costly defense and that Bradley’s parents are deceased.” They could have left that out in my opinion, his parents might have been willing to help, but none of these people are responsible for him. FGS, If his kids are grown and willing, they most likely are just starting out in life. Poor Poor Pedophile!
    I have been thinking about coming to wordpress….they seem very user friendly. I’ll put you on my blogroll 😉

    • donchais
      03/23/2010 at 12:02 am

      Hey katfish!

      My understanding is that he wasn’t a financial wizard. Biden did go after what assets he had, so the private defense attorneys can’t get paid. The money will be used to compensate victims.

      The ex-wife, kids and deceased parent comment was uncalled for, I agree!

      Oh, and even though Bradley has just been assigned public defenders, they will be in court on Wednesday! I doubt that a plea will be entered though!

  2. 03/23/2010 at 2:58 am

    Yes, it will most likely be continued.

  3. Wendy
    04/08/2010 at 12:47 pm

    Hate to say it but I think honors for “Worst Pedophile” actually go to California’s Dean Schwartzmiller, who molested thousands of boys.


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