
Posts Tagged ‘Cape Gazette’

Ammended Indictment of Earl Bradley

12/08/2010 1 comment

A new indictment of pediatrician Earl Bradley has been handed down by a Sussex County grand jury.

The original, February 22, indictment contained 471 charges of sexual abuse against Bradley involving 103 children.

The new indictment involves no new alleged victims or new alleged incidents but was issued because a number of the alleged victims in the previous indictment were listed under several different Jane Doe numbers. Further investigation shows they have since been identified as being the same victim in multiple incidents.  Charges involving these alleged victims have been consolidated under one Jane Doe number for each victim.

Four additional charges of continuous sexual abuse of a child, pertaining to multiple incidents of alleged abuse of victims previously identified are included in the new indictment.

Bradley, whose trial is scheduled for February 14, 2011, continues to be held at the James T. Vaughn Correctional Center.

Cape Gazette


Earl Bradley Civil Suits Mounting

04/17/2010 6 comments

~Earl Bradley

5 attorneys have filed approximately forty civil suits against Earl Bradley and more are expected. Bradley has been charged with more than 400 counts of rape and abuse involving 103 children.

Also named in most suits are Beebe Medical Center, the Delaware Medical Society, and doctors Lowell Scott, James Marvel, and Carol Tavani.

Most of the suits allege that the doctors, medical society, and Beebe failed to report Bradley although they had knowledge or information regarding Bradley’s sexual abuse of the young patients.  One of the suits also charges that had Beebe Medical Center not referred a child to Bradley, that child would never have become a victim of abuse.

What is truly disturbing and the reason the physicians are named in the suits is that Bradley’s own sister reported his behavior five years ago to Dr. Tavani.  Doctors Scott and Marvel also spoke with Bradley’s sister.  Legally, all three doctors had an obligation to report.

“She was very concerned about Dr. Bradley’s own instability. It’s a brother she loved and was concerned about. She could see the deterioration in his emotional and mental state. Tragically, nothing was done. The board was never contacted by the state medical society. As a result, if they had been contacted, all these children who were molested and abused after that could have been spared.”

Attorney General Biden had Bradley’s assets frozen in January.  It is expected that any damages or settlements will be paid from that as well as medical malpractice insurance.

With the number of suits involved, unless a settlement is reached, litigation will be a very lengthy process as each has requested a jury trial.

Unfortunately for the victims its too late, the damage is done.  The biggest abuse here is failure – failure by the medical society and the doctors for ‘protecting their own’ and not reporting to the state medical board and failure by Bradley’s sister to pursue the matter more aggressively if she was that concerned by her bother’s behavior.

Cape Gazette

Bradley Pleads Not Guilty

03/27/2010 Comments off

On Wednesday, Earl Bradley pleaded not guilty to 471 felony counts in the alleged child abuse of the young patients in his Delaware medical practice.

Bradley appeared at the 2-minute hearing with Public Defenders, Dean Johnson and Stephanie Tsantes and court observers say Bradley was unshaven, his hair was matted and stringy and it appears he has lost significant weight since his December arrest.

The state was represented by attorneys Paula Ryan and Stacy Cohee and Attorney General Beau Biden.

Judge Henley Graves set a new bond at $3.7 million and a case review has been set for Monday, May 17.

Bradley’s license in New Jersey was suspended this week although the Board of Medical Examiners determined Bradley never practiced in New Jersey.

Cape Gazette