
Posts Tagged ‘Travis Alexander’

Jodi Arias Murder Trial – Day Nineteen

02/13/2013 44 comments

I was exhausted by the end of testimony yesterday.  I think the defense did a big disservice to their client by playing that tape in it’s entirety.  It was apparent Jodi was leading Travis on and it is she who is the manipulator.  She is one sick puppy (no offense intended to all puppies out there!)

Court begins at 10:28 MST.

Hearing with Sky Hughes on the stand!  She is married to Chris.

She had known Travis from 2001.

Willmott on direct…

You’ve been following this case?  Yes.

You hope Ms. Arias is convicted?  Yes.

She has spoken with Phillip, Martinez’s paralegal, and Martinez himself.

She has been watching the trial and still contacting the prosecution to help Travis’s case.

Phillip called and asked if she knew Searcy.  She told him yes.  She gave Phillip Searcy’s number.

Were you present during Chris’s call to Searcy?  No.

Sky told Phillip that Chris had called Searcy.

Gus said he had information that could help Jodi or hurt her.

Were you told the defense was lying or like a snake?  No.

Did the prosecutor tell you were on the witness list?  No.

You were not advised not to watch anything on the media?  No.

Martinez on direct…

You were never told to have your husband call Gus Searcy?  No.

She is released.

Searcy is available, but the defense and prosecution don’t intend to call him.  Searcy asks to be released from the restriction of giving media interviews.

Searcy is released.

Sky receives a subpoena and can’t watch any of the proceedings or discuss the trial.

Nurmi playing dirty here…keeping Sky as a witness so she can’t reach-out to the prosecution!

We are waiting on a Ms. Jovan; they can’t reach her by phone.

Geez, Nurmi, get your crap together.

Martinez wants the prosecutorial misconduct dropped.

Nurmi says prosecution brought in two witnesses they knew nothing about…Chris and Abe.

Complaining again about the text messages on the phone!

Geez Louise!

Bitchin about Flores again about the sequence of Travis’ death.

Martinez has yelled at witnesses and dropped evidence on the ground.

Claims Martinez knew Chris and Sky were on the witness list.  And Martinez never told them not to watch the trial.

That ruling was non-enforcable because Sky and Chris live in Utah.

Ms. Arias is on trial for her life, a mistrial should be called.

Nurmi wants Martinez removed.

Now he wants the life sentence removed.

Martinez says there is no law prohibiting the prosecution from contacting individuals.

If Nurmi was really going to call them as witnesses why didn’t he subpoena them?

What Nurmi has done is a sham allegation.

Judge asks if Chris or Sky were on the list?   They were on ours and I believe they were on the State’s list.

Judge asks Nurmi if he told Chris and Sky not to watch the proceedings?  No, but the State shouldn’t have contact with Ms. Hughes.

So, because Nurmi fell down on the job, he wants to blame Martinez.

Mr. Nurmi, several of these issues have already been ruled on by this court.  Mistrial or any other sanction for misconduct is denied!!!

Sidebar…a very, very, very long sidebar!

Jury brought in at 11:22 MST, Arias back on the stand.

Nurmi on direct…

We were talked about the Mercedes as you were leaving to go back to Yreka.  They had a fight and she left in tears and Travis flipped her the double bird and went in the house.  She drove away crying.

So it was a pretty serious fight?  Yes, not violent, but serious.

When Travis flipped you off, how did you feel?  It hurt me and I didn’t like leaving things that way.

What were you fighting about?  The pamphlet I gave him.  Lisa Andrews.  Mimi Hall.

Martinez objects and Jodi says sorry…Nurmi says ‘you don’t have to apologize to HIM’!  Jackass!

Was he having sex with Mimi Hall?  No.

Travis sent her a mean text the next night so she called him to straighten him out.

Jodi says he got into her email account.  She claims she gave him her password.


The exchange of passwords was to improve trust between them.

Why would you care that he had the facts wrong?  It upset me and I began to shake.

Did the shaking begin before or after the beatings began?  Yes, fall 2007.

You observed this behavior in 2008 when you were miles away?  Yes.

She moved into her grandparent’s.  1000 miles away from Travis.

She started felling like a cloud was lifting.  I was depressed and suicidal while I was in Yreka.

She was depressed, but better in Yreka.  But, still had contact with Travis because she still wanted to be friends.

Did the phone sex conversations continue after you moved?  Yes, 3 other times.

She liked the calls because Travis was nice to her and complimentary to her and she craved that.

Did you have a job in Yreka?  No, I was putting resumes out everywhere.

Just how long can Nurmi drag out this drivel?  I’m bored to tears!

Lunch recess is called.

Court resumes at 1:51 MST…sigh.

Rut roh, text messages!

Jodi identifies text messages between she and Travis.

Sky’s brother Zion messaged her and said he had found her future husband…Ryan Burns.

She was worried about how Travis would react and asked Zion not to tell Travis about it.

Why were you concerned?  It was a pattern with Travis about getting upset when I was seeing someone else.

How can you be together when you broken up?

When Travis was yelling at you over the phone, did you do the shaking thing you told us about?  Yes, probably.

She felt in talking with Burns it was a prospective relationship.

Text message from Travis 05/02/08…send me some pictures I want to see you right now.

What was that about?  The Red Riding thing we talked about.

What type of picture?  Sexual explicit photos.

So, no first text shown to court…where the heck is the foundation here????

Nurmi is just cherry picking through these gazillion text messages!

While you were having sex with him, he was dating Lisa Andrews and Mimi Hall?  Yes.

This message, he calls you the ultimate slut in bed?  Yes, he would call me that when we were in bed.

These messages were within a day after your conversation with Mr. Burns.  Why were you still entertaining Mr. Alexander?  I still had feelings for him and this was how we always behaved.

So, we all know now that Jodi was a slut and enjoyed every minute of it!

You called your sister some names?  She was, at 17, a drug addict, alcoholic, and coming out of an abusive relationship, so I was surprised she was here yesterday because she was out of it most of that time.

Nurmi shows the photos of Jodi with dark hair in May and asks if she dyed it blond again?  No, it would have damaged my hair.

Think rental car guy!

When did your dye your hair brown?  3/20/08.

Leading up to June 2008 was Travis aggressive with you in texts and emails?  Yes, assertive and aggressive.

Martinez wants a date.

Jodi looks through the messages and finds 5/26/08.  Travis says she looks like a pure whore.

He called her a bitch and a shit.

He accused me of being a liar and was angry.

All kinds of crap coming in with no foundation or proof of validity!

Martinez goes berserk!  Sidebar.

She sent an e-mail for Abe to Travis (meaning it was written to Travis) and BCC’d Abe so he could read it too.  Not the same thing as BCC’ing Travis!

Dang, we’re back in March 2007 again.

She sent it because Travis was mad they had gone out on a date.

Nurmi is such a Richard Cranium!!!

Yup, all this is a reason to butcher Travis the way she savagely did!

Hall and Oats song, Man Eater keeps running through my head!

Claims Travis wanted her to end her friendships with other guys and was hostile about it.

Now, Travis wanted her to end relations with women.  Her best friend Rachel, because he was hostile toward her because she and Rachel were going to go to the bishop about sexual sin at Rachel’s urging.

Nurmi is jumping all around on the timeline again…if I don’t appreciate it pretty sure the jury doesn’t either!

Afternoon recess called.

Too funny!  Comment from the blog…” Can arias & nurmi be charged with homicide for boring me to death?”

My response, if yes, it would be for mass murder!

 Court resumes 3:18 MST.

When you spoke about Rachel and her suggestion to go to the bishop, did you talk to Travis about it?  Yes.

Travis didn’t want her to go to the bishop because Travis had these problems before and he was embarrassed.

Arias says Travis and Deanna Reid had sex and were sanctioned by church!!!


Now we’re back on the penis photos.

Jodi claims he sent penis pictures around ten times via text message.

Travis asked her for sexual pictures numerous times.

The weekend of 2/25/08 they were texting all weekend, but many of the texts aren’t in the package.  They had an argument. She’s going through the details.

Hey, ain’t this hearsay???

Jodi says Travis sent sexual text messages…after saying many of the messages weren’t in this package.  Now she’s pouring through the package trying to find some.

Gee, she can’t find it, lol!!!

Via text message to you, did he ask you to wear your hair in braids?  Yes.

Wear the Spiderman underwear?  Yes.

They are going through a bunch of text messages…none of which are published and now we have no way to know if what Jodi is talking about is even true!

Btw, I stopped typing a while ago!  Nurmi is just plodding through nonsense and minutia!

Caution, this testiphony may be hazardous to your health by causing brain damage.

Jodi is back to trashing Deanna again as a lunatic and we are back to 2006!!!!

OMG!  Very funny comment… This trial is like the Hotel California; you can check in but you can never leave.

Good karma…court in recess for the day!!!

Jodi Arias Murder Trial – Day Eighteen

02/12/2013 43 comments

Don’t know about you, but I am so sick of Nurmi dragging this out.  Yesterday was nuts the way he’d move forward in the timeline and then the next thing you knew he went backwards making things hard to follow.  Can’t even imagine what the jury must be thinking! 

Word has it Judge and attorneys in chambers…sigh.

Martinez just walked out and spoke to Travis’ family.  Bet the sex tape is on the table!

Chris Williams@chriswnews

#JodiArias court reporter emerges from chambers. Now def team. #Arias, deputy & judge still back there.

#JodiArias def team leaves ct room. Juan Martinez @ pros table. No judge. No #Arias

WildAboutTrial @WildAboutTrial

The family and friends of Travis’ were just instructed by the prosecution to show no emotion during testimony.

MaryEllen Resendez@maryellenabc15

#jodiarias is about to begin. #travisalexander Fam& Friends were just warned “not to react” 2 Arais testimony of how she killed TA.

Screen shot 2013-02-12 at 1.17.14 PM

Chris Williams@chriswnews

#JodiArias judge just called for both legal teams again after meeting with the court PIO in chambers. #Arias in delay. Stay tuned

Jodi’s sis has joined dad and brother today.Screen shot 2013-02-12 at 1.20.25 PM

Jodi is stalling and Judge finally tells a bailiff to make her move her behind!

Arias enters court and for the first time, looks actually upset!

Never seen this kind of emotion from her.

Screen shot 2013-02-12 at 1.21.48 PMCourt begins at 11:21 MST with the Judge sending the jury to lunch.

Give me a freakin break!

So, has the supposed sex tape been tossed and now she will only testify to how she butchered Travis?

Court in recess…

OK, morning off and these guys still can’t get back on time!  Ya, I’m  beyond ticked!!!

Court resumes (or begins depending on how ya look at it) at 1:16 MST with another friggin sidebar…

Judge addresses the gallery, alerting them that phone tape contains explicit sexual conversation.  Travis’ family has listened to the tape and wants it played in open court.

Arias on stand…

Tape being played…

Both busy June-July…

J. She might make a trip to Utah…

(And murder him on the way.)

Jodi making a big deal of looking upset!

J. Says Abe was hoping Travis got his ring.  He said nothing nice about you, but didn’t wanted to be involved in my drama.

Travis saw Abe kiss Jodi???

Travis says he likes her booty.

She says that’s sweet, but it sticks out.

Jodi tells him he has incredible stamina.

Travis says you never stop.

Jodi says she likes to role-play.

J. So, I’ll see you after Cancun?

J. Are you traveling anytime soon, international?  Maybe Argentina.

They had to boost his side of the conversation, he comes out garbled while she is crystal clear!

T. You’re pretty…so attractive.  I’ve never seen you look bad.

J. Thank you!

T. Those were the best times when we just romped!

Jodi is now leading the sex talk.

Travis is going to tie her to a tree and put it in her ass.

Jodi is game.

J. You are a wellspring of ideas, you really are!

Pop rocks and tootsie rolls!

J. When we took a bath together it was awesome.  Maybe it was the bubbles and the candlelight.

J. I wish I could give you a hand job.

T. I never jacked-off till I met you…now he does it everyday.

J. If my grandparents weren’t here, we’d have a big fuck fest.

J. You make me so horny, I’d fuck you everyday.

Jodi is egging him on in this conversation!

No, he is no choirboy, but boy did she lead him astray!

Jodi starts supposedly masturbating over the phone and fakes orgasm.

Tells Travis about fantasies she has…sorry, but she’s really into this.

Jodi tells Travis he has a good-looking penis.

Now, they both masturbate over the phone.

So, been dicey, but this doesn’t help her defense as far as I can tell!                                                                                                      

There are weird gaps in the tape…

Jodi introduced Travis to KY…he never knew about it.

She used baby oil in the past, but that’s not so healthy.

Travis is not directing this, nor is her controlling her!

Yikes!  Talking Spiderman movie they watched together!

She cried when he died.

Can you say Spiderman undies???

So after all this, can anyone tell me how he likes little boys???

Jodi is so leading this whole conversation!

OMG, Jodi just said her sister Angela is dumb because she didn’t get Alanis Morrisett when her lyrics said ‘I’d go down…”

I love her, she’s my sister, but she’s stupid.

Recess called…

There is a God!

Back with Arias on the stand and Nurmi at podium…

When did this conversation take place?  May 10, 2008.

Where were you living?  My grandparents.

She had a new phone and didn’t know all the features.  Travis asked her to record these sex conversations.  To not make him upset, Jodi just kept hitting the record button…hence the choppy tape…ayuh!

Good God!  Nurmi has gone backwards again on the timeline about Abe!

It was the same day she gave him the pamphlet about mental health.  He threw her on the ground and choked her into unconsciousness…first week of April 2008!

Anybody believe this shite?  Press your true buzzer now!

Lord, Nurmi just keeps going further backwards in the timeline.

Oh now Travis asked her to come over dressed as a private school girl, with braids.

A schoolgirl blouse, maryjanes, no underwear, or the Spidie underwear.

Travis wanted her to buy Pop Rocks and Tootsie Pops to play into what they were going to do.

She bought them and some bubble bath.

This is so not believable! She can’t look up, she can’t even look at the jury.  She is so lying.

They had sex in the bathtub twice because sex underwater doesn’t count…sheesh.

I can’t even type half of this bullshit!  And, I’m no prude!

The lying today is worse than we’ve seen before.  I am beyond appalled!

They videoed sex on June 4, 2008!!!

Can ya tell I stopped typing?

Now back to 2006!

Now Jodi claims Travis wanted her to dress like Little Red Riding Hood so he could tie her to a tree!

On the tape, did you fake the orgasms?  Yes, because I wanted him to be turned on.  I need to use both hands.  I wanted to please him.

This is way too rehearsed!

Jodi called her mother to move back to Yreka…she had been loaning Travis money.  He usually paid her back.

They argued and hit her in the face.  He kissed her and told her he loved her.

They had Starbucks and she went back to her house for make-up sex!

Nurmi has her trained…when he slams the pen down…she knows to end her answer!!!!

This is such BS!

Jodi was altruistic and bought his BMW. Lol.

It all made sense to her!

Now she knows it was a bogus about the car, but she was the reason, was her fault.

Judge calls court at 6:33, tell jurors to report at 11 MST!

Late again!

If I shamed or embarrassed or horrified anybody…just reported the session!

Jodi Arias Murder Trial – Day Seventeen

02/11/2013 33 comments

We all know there was a closed door hearing on Thursday.  What we didn’t know, was what was being discussed.  Well, on Saturday the hearing was unsealed and we’ve come to find out that Judge Sherry Stephens will allow Arias to testify that she walked in on Travis masturbating while looking at photos of young boys.

Juan Martinez argued that first Arias said the pictures were on the computer and then changed it to he had photos spread out on the bed.  Judge Stephens said Martinez would have ample time to cross examine Arias.  BTW, police found no such evidence on Travis’ computer and no photos were located in the house.

The other interesting piece of information is Settlement Conference Memo – Plea Info2.  Seems Arias and Nurmi offered the State a ‘deal’ in 2011.  She would accept second  degree murder and thus would not further trash Travis or other friends any further.  So dragging Travis and others through the mud has been Arias and Nurmi’s plan all along! 

Screen shot 2013-02-11 at 12.43.35 PMCourt resumes at 10:41 MST with Jodi back on the stand.

Jury brought in at 10:43 MST.Screen shot 2013-02-11 at 12.42.02 PM

Don’t know how much more of these lies and drivel I can stand! 

Jodi’s dad and brother, Joseph in attendance today! Screen shot 2013-02-11 at 12.41.54 PM

We are back with the T-shirt and pink underwear.  That shirt had to do with Travis’ blog…note they haven’t shown the back of the T-shirt and there were a bunch of them out there!  I also believe Jodi made up the pink panties on her own!

She was confused about the Spiderman underwear.  She doesn’t know how many pairs were in the package, BUT she remembers there were 3 different patterns!!!!

Did he wish you to wear this underwear?  Yes.

He wanted you to try on these boys underwear?  Yes, the seat fit, but the leg openings were tight.

She made alterations so they would fit.  He expressed gratification when she wore them.  He said they were hot.

She felt silly wearing them.

Had Mr. Alexander been violent with you prior to February 2007?  No.

Had you seen instances of his temper?  Yes.

Over the phone she heard his temper just before Valentines Day.

Jodi now claims Travis told her in his teens, he had a temper, but had mastered it.

The first time they had vaginal penile intercourse in the spring…around May.

She was in his bed in Mesa sleeping and she woke up and he was on top of her and had penetrated her.

He had removed her shorts and her shirt was pulled up pretty high.

When she woke it took her a moment to orient herself, but she didn’t feel unsafe.

Screen shot 2013-02-11 at 1.03.20 PMNot once did she tell him to stop!!!

In April she knew she loved him, but didn’t tell him.

Afterward, they never talked about it because he never brought it up.

In the Mesa area did Travis display any affection in public?  No.

She moved to Big Sur because she got her job back at Ventana.

Matt McCartney and she were living in the same employee housing and working together.  They broke up in 2001, but remained good friends.

Travis knew, but wasn’t upset.

Summer 2007 she and Travis flew to NY to see more Mormon historic sites.

She identifies two photos of her and Travis in NY.  By this time she found out Travis was cheating on her.  They were in NY for a week, but she couldn’t change the tickets so she suffered in silence.

Why does Travis never look happy in any photos with Jodi???

Jodi admits she found out about the cheating by taking his phone and reading his text messages.

Jodi never confronted Travis about the number of women’s numbers in his phone.

Funny she says bunch of numbers, but no names!  So, how does she know they were all female??

After all this, why didn’t you just leave?  I think I was in denial.  I was a doormat and didn’t have very much self-esteem.  I was waiting for the right moment.

But, you’re still having sexual relations?  Yes, it made me feel loved.

Next they went to Disneyland the on to Riverside to Travis’ grandma’s.

How much time does she get for vacation???

She didn’t have the courage to breakup in person so she knew she had to do it over the phone.

She told him what she had seen on his phone and he was apologetic.  She felt his apology was weak and they were no longer a couple as of June 29, 2007.

He called her the next morning and she thought he was at Chris and Sky’s house.  The conversation became sexual, he said he was horny…


The day after you broke up, you said the conversation was sexual, was he talking about acts he wanted to do to you?  Yes.  He told me he would change and it made me feel better.  She continued intimate conversation with him.

They began again to have late night phone calls (even though the were broken up).  He talked about marriage and children.

Good lord, kill me now!

This comment is so apropos…Objection, your honor. The defendant is asking us to suspend all reality.

Lunch recess called at 12 MST!

I fully believe numb-nuts is dragging this out, but it may come back to bite him on the butt for one, getting Jodi to lie more and two, boring the jury to distraction!

Tweet from court, lol… jose miguel@reporterjmiguel

#JodiArias jury looking more angered/annoyed than interested. AGAIN, my opinion/observation.

1:36 MST Arias back on the stand.

Judge tells Arias too many objections…she is not being responsive to questions and to pay attention to the questions, lol!!!!

She decided to move to Mesa.

Travis told her there were benefits in Mesa…the Church was strong there and lots of single females looking for roommates and they could hang out more.

Did hanging out mean sexual relationships?  Yes.

She moved 15 to 20 minutes away from Travis.

Rachel, the girl she moved in with got married and she had to leave after 2 1/2 weeks.

She next moved to a house that was only 10 minutes or less to Travis’ house around August 2007.

Dang, the steam coming off the pile of poop is overwhelming!

They still had sexual relationships.

She eventually found a job at PF Chang’s.  Travis also hired her for $200 a month to clean his house.  Travis wanted her to wear a French maid outfit!!

Travis sent her an email stating the same that she identifies for Nurmi.

LIAR and BS!

Ok, hand count…how many remember she has hacked his accounts!

Travis made sexual advances while she was there cleaning!

Martinez just objected to the French maid outfit picture, supposedly emailed to Jodi, to being published to the jury.

Numb-nuts is digging like crazy through his files now.  Emails hearsay?  Over 18,00 of them.

Oh good, Jodi sniffling the fake cry thingy!

Holy crap, must be a tech problem and jury sent out.

Maybe the French maid photo took out the system, lol!

Jury back at 2:18 MST.

Nurmi shows the French maid uniform pic to Arias that she identifies.

She said she believed it was a joke.

Did you believe because you were working for him, he had the right to sexual relationships?  I didn’t think about it that way.

How long did you work as his maid?  The whole time I was in Mesa.

Now the sex is in her car, in parking lots or at her house in Mesa.  In her bedroom or on the front porch.  The front porch was a fantasy of Travis’.

Why do I feel I’m in a parallel universe?

Travis wanted to drive up to the house in the dark have sex and ejaculated on her face, not say a word and left.  He dropped something by her before he left.   It was candy!

All these things she found distasteful or uncomfortable she put up with in order to make Travis happy!

The puke factor has reached a new high.

She talks about the places they traveled to from the list of 1000 places to see.

We’ve reached October 2007 now.

Two more photos are identified about other tips they took.

Fake crying again on the stand.

Do those make you upset?  Yes, I didn’t think it would end up the way it did.

No offense, but this crap is so all over the board, nobody can follow what the hell is going on, when or where!

Lord, were back to a bunch of old crap that we’ve been over before!

Claims Travis was still talking marriage.  Methinks, not…he never wanted to marry her!

Afternoon recess called…

I am more disgusted today than before and it will only be dirtier from here and I feel I need a shower! I am just so disgusted…more than any other trial I’ve followed.

Back at 3:19 MST.

OMG, they are back to the backpack argument again.  I have no clue what they heck they are doing today!

Dan and Desiree where the kinda like glue and let ‘s get on with the trip.  I was thinking of going home, but I don’t know how it got together, but we were all in the car and heading out.

During a fight Travis told Jodi her brother was gay because his name is Carl.  That’s my grandfather’s name and he said my grandfather must be gay too.

The argument continued and Travis told her a good idea was for her to move to Antarctica, She considered suicide and called Matt because she knew he had guns.

Travis calls her and says he needed her to make his bed.

He wanted to have sex?  Yes.

She turned around and the made they bed and had anal sex that night.

They have gone so astray today!

January 21, 2008 she claims she got of work and went to Travis’ house to load boxes in the attic.

He came down and handed her a porcelain angel that she thought was sweet.

She left and forgot the angel, but knew Travis would make fun of her for that so she went back to get the angel.

She walked in and saw Travis was masturbating over pictures of a little boy.  Maybe 5 or 6 in age.  The boy was dressed in underwear.

She didn’t know what to do so she left and got in her car to drive home.

She felt nauseated.

Travis called her the same evening.  She didn’t think about leaving him because she was confused.

She decided to let him explain and there were frantic messages from him on her phone.

She had heard that kids who did this had been abused themselves and that made her sad.

This poor Alexander family are just shaking their heads!

She went to his house later that nite.

What did he say?

Objection, hearsay…sidebar…

So, anybody seen evidence of this BS?

What did you discuss?  He was explaining?


I already knew he was interested in young girls but….he preferred sex with women because it made him feel more normal.

He asked you to wear the Spiderman underwear because he liked to think of you as a young boy?  Yes.

Did you have sex after this conversation?  Yes, anal sex.

Having sex with women made him feel more normal than his other deviant behaviors.

She gave him some mental pamphlets that might help him before she left in March 2008.

That upset Travis.

This led to an argument that escalated to physical.  She tried to leave 3 times but Travis pushed her down and prevented her from leaving.

Now Travis is asking to borrow money from her.  Called her selfish after she lent him $700.

He grabbed her, screaming at her and slammed her to the floor at the foot of his bed.

He said don’t act like that hurt and called me a bitch and kicked me in the ribs.

He tried to kick her again and kicked he in the hand instead.  He left the room.

Says the ring finger on left hand was injured.  She didn’t tell police because she didn’t want to get him in trouble.

Say, isn’t that the same finger she showed Flores???

When you look at that injury, how do you feel?


Ah, numb-nuts has just entered the battered woman theory!

She holds up the finger again and kinda pulls an OJ…if the glove doesn’t fit, ya can’t convict!

Judge mercifully calls it a day, 4:30 MST.

Dunno about you, but had more than enough today!  My interest was held today, but man, the lies where so big and piled high!  Funny how Jodi never told ANYONE about all this crap!

I’m pretty much spent!

Jodi Arias Murder Trial – Day Sixteen

02/06/2013 84 comments

My assumption is Kirk Nurmi will spend all day continuing to question Arias.  I really had trouble listening to and watching her on the stand yesterday and found myself yelling ‘liar’ at my computer.  Today, I’m going to try to be calmer, but there is no guarantee of that!  This is just going to get nastier and nastier!

Screen shot 2013-02-06 at 12.37.38 PMCourt begins 10:31 MST, with the usual sidebar…

Arias takes the stand.

Nurmi…moves to admit the phone conversation between Jodi and Travis.

Yesterday you started telling us about arriving at the hotel and you began making out right away?  Yes.

We were kissing and then we were nude on the bed.  We didn’t have intercourse but had oral sex.  Travis called it grinding.

She both gave and received oral sex.

That night they watched TV.

The next day they went to a movie and got something to eat at Sizzler’s.

They had more oral sex that night.

They connected more over the phone, but this weekend he seemed distant.

At this point did you consider it a relationship?  No, we weren’t boyfriend and girlfriend.

On this weekend did he express he wanted to have anal sex with you?  Yes.

Vaginal sex?  No.

You declined to have anal sex?  Yes.

Did he bring up several times?  Yes.

He made some music CD’s for her and they talked about the Book of Mormon.

Missionaries told her about the vow of chastity, but kinda glossed over it.

Travis didn’t mistreat her, but he wasn’t treating her the way he had for that time.  He didn’t return a call the following Saturday, Sunday. It was abnormal for him not to call her after more than one day.  He started calling her later.

She said she felt used by Travis, but never told him because she didn’t want to hurt his feelings.

She next saw Travis right before Thanksgiving.  He was going to Riverside and her house was on the way so he stopped by and they hung out.  This was at the Palm Desert house, Darryl was at work.

Travis had his dog with him and the pug jumped in the pool and sank.  Travis jumped in to save the dog and was soaking wet.  She put his clothes in the dryer and they had sex…oral sex.  He did ask about anal sex, but she said no.

Nurmi shows her two pictures that she identifies as Travis’ erect penis that supposedly he sent by phone, Nov.11, 2006 – before the visit to Palm Desert.

Did you ask for these no, but we were flirting.

The photos are published to the jury.Screen shot 2013-02-06 at 1.40.37 PM

How the heck do you ID the penis as belonging to Travis???

When he sent these did he ask you to reciprocate?  Yes.

Did you? No.

Travis didn’t think it was fair.

He specifically asked for naked pictures of her.

Did you feel guilty for not reciprocating?  Yes, he was disappointed.

She was baptized in the Mormon Church on November 26th by Travis.

At what time did you decide to join the faith?  It was series of incidents.

The Church was in alignment with a lot of her values…family, marriage.

The whole next bit is about the Mormon faith.

She said she adhered to the vow of chastity because she though it only penile vaginal penetration.

Don’t ya love the “technicalities” of chastity?

The Church approved her baptism even though Darryl was still living in the house.

Now we go through the baptism ceremony.

Her family and friends was against her joining the Church.

So what the hell does this have to do with the price of apples????

After the ceremony, she and Travis went back to her house and they got intimate again.

He bent her face down on her bed and he lifted her skirt and pulled down her underwear.  He unzipped his pants and had anal sex with her.

She didn’t find it pleasurable, it hurt, but she didn’t stop him!

Liar, liar, pants on fire!!!!  Guess she wasn’t in school the day Darryl testified he and Jodi had anal sex!

‘He ejaculated in my back or somewhere on me!’

We parted ways…we embraced, we kissed!

Says she felt like a used piece of toilet paper.

She hasn’t been looking at the jury at all.

She didn’t like it, but they spoke on a nightly basis.

She and Travis became exclusive boyfriend/girlfriend February 2, 2007.

Were you under the impression your relationship had to be kept hidden?  Yes.

This is one steaming, deep pile of dodo!

The next time they met it was at his house in Mesa and attended a meeting in Phoenix with a bunch of his friends and coworkers.  They all crashed at Travis’ house.

Lunch called…

Sheriff department complains about conferences and discussions in front of Arias because it is not acceptable to have inmate in unsecured areas of the court.  It should be in the cleared courtroom or a conference room.

Nurmi has issue that Arias should be allowed to be present (Judge’s chambers?) at confidential meetings, constitutional right.

Judge will accommodate as occasions come up.

I think what most upsets me is that we all pretty much believe Jodi is making up all the foo-foo dust she is spreading and meanwhile all of this just tarnishes the victim and sadly, Travis’ family has to listen to this crap! 

Court resumes 1:39 MST with a sidebar…a really, really long sidebar!   Ahh, with the Sheriff department again!

Arias on the stand…Jury in at 1:48 MST.

We spoke about the time you and a bunch of friends were at Travis’ house.  Yes.

Deanna Reid was there and Jodi understood her to be an old girlfriend of Travis’.

Travis told her to stay away from her, she was unstable and would freak if she saw Travis with another woman.

Hey, Travis left his dog to Deanna.  WTF?  Jodi is making this shit up!

You weren’t there that weekend for romance?  No.

Were you hoping he would bend you over the bed for anal sex?  No.

In January 2007 Travis encouraged her to date others so she dated two other individuals and Travis knew about it after the fact.

Ah, it was Abe!  She also went on a ‘platonic’ date with a John Dixon.  Travis called and she didn’t answer his call.

She claims Travis wasn’t happy about the dates…his attitude changed, but he was upset.  Travis reprimanded her because they weren’t Church of Mormon.

Travis told her not to date outside the Church and it made sense to her.

You and Travis became a couple in February 2007?  Yes.

She went to Travis’ house the first weekend of February.  They were in his bedroom reading books.  Her arrival at his house was a surprise…it was not by invite.

She got off work and drove a heck of a long way to arrive around 3 AM.

Travis insisted she stay in his bed.  They had sex both nights.

They had a conversation and Travis said he didn’t want her to see other people.

Travis made jokes about her that she didn’t appreciate.

Travis called her a skank in front of his roommate and then said he was just kidding.

He also called her Pollyanna in front of his friends…she had long platinum hair at the time that he wanted her to wear in braids.

She voiced her concerns to Travis and he stopped doing it.

So, Travis was willing to change!                                                    

She was on the computer and was clicking back for pictures and ‘accidentally’ accessed his My Space.  Her curiosity got the better of it and she read a bunch of his emails from two women.

The emails were sexual in nature…it was kinda flirty, but not explicit.

She claims it didn’t make her happy, but she wasn’t angry.

There was another email that was more disturbing…sexual nature and it was with a married LDS woman.

She eventually spoke to Travis about it, but spoke to Sky about it first.

BTW, both emails were from prior to Christmas!!!

Were you in love with Travis at that point? I don’t recall being “in love” “in love”… I had feelings for him.

Were you still involved with PPL at this time?  I was active, but wasn’t making any money.

They traveled to Kansas City, Missouri and Illinois to see Mormon historical sites and then flew to Oklahoma City of the PPL convention.

They shared a hotel room and engaged in sexual behavior.

He was more affectionate in those cities.  When they got to the convention he backed off because it was a convention of associates.

They didn’t share a room at the convention because it was business.

Travis was paying a lot of attention to another woman and that hurt her feelings.

Afternoon recess called…there is a God!

They went to a party and stayed at Chris and Sky’s parents home.  She and Travis stayed the night and shared a bedroom!

Later they went to Travis’ grandmother’s house.  Travis didn’t introduce Jodi as his ‘girlfriend’.

For Valentines Day, Travis sent her gifts…chocolates, the T-shirt, and panties that said “Travis’” and some spider man, boy’s underwear which she was confused about.  There was a letter underneath.


Judge now calls it a day and tells the jury to return on Monday.

Per HLN…There is apparently argument about the letter.  Joey Jackson says it could be hearsay, but that the prosecution may have a big problem with it… hence, the early evening.

The evidentiary hearing tomorrow is scheduled to begin at 10:30 MST.

Jodi Arias Murder Trial – Day Fifteen

02/05/2013 22 comments

So far, none of the defense witnesses have done anything to advance the defense!  I was surprised that Arias took the stand yesterday.  She really had to at some point because of the self-defense nonsense, but it came sooner than I expected.  Her demeanor is very flat and matter-of-fact as she describes how abusive her parents were.  As she threw them under the bus, she exhibited no emotion or signs of stress.  While she has obviously been coached, she can’t give a simple answer.  She is providing way too much detail and we have seen that’s when the inconsistencies show up.  Mr. Martinez is going to have a field day on cross!

Court begins at (sigh, Judge Stephens’ calendar is overloaded, yet again!) 11:08.

Bench conference…double sigh!

Screen shot 2013-02-05 at 1.13.32 PMJodi on the stand.


We were talking about you were ready to move in with Matt McCarthy, do you remember?  Yes, I don’t recall the exact date or time.

He treated me very well, he was very kind and respectable and spiritual.  I was concerned about some of his books.…they were about witchcraft.  He was studying Wiccan.

Was this a sexual relationship?  Yes.

Were you in love with him?  Yes, very much.

They were together for a year and eight months.

Did he ever hit you?  No.

Call you a slut?  No.

A three-hole wonder?  No.

They started having little arguments over household things that made things uncomfortable so they broke up.

She saw a photo of Matt and a female named Bianca…remember folks…she and Matt were separated at this time.

She decided to find out if Matt was really cheating on her… remember folks…she and Matt were separated at this time.

She met with Bianca and they talked for about an hour and Jodi confirmed that she and Matt were together.

Jodi claims to have felt betrayed and she confronted Matt and that ended their relationship in 2001.

Now we are up to her hooking up with Darryl Brewer in Big Sur at Ventana resort.

Holy crap…Matt came down there to work too!  And, now they were going to live together again!

She was waiting tables and then the wedding planner was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and died in a month so she filled in as the wedding coordinator.

She worked with Brewer for a year and she developed a crush on him.

She was 22 and he was 42.  He resigned from management and then they began dating.

She and Darryl bought the house together in 2005.

She claims to have fallen in love with Darryl, but she had to overlook flaws.  He was a smoker and an alcoholic…good lord!

Whoa, now she says Darryl stopped drinking in 2004!  So when was it?  Was he drinking when they bought the house in 2005?

She feels that when they moved to Palm Desert she and Darryl’s son had a good relationship…not like her son, but more like a sibling.

Noon recess called.

Court resumes at (sigh, these delays are beyond infuriating!  Must be a hell of a sidebar going on!) 1:48 MST.


We were talking about when you and Darryl purchased the home in Palm Desert?  Yes.

He didn’t want to get married?  No, we did talk about having a child.

They would live in the house for maybe two years before flipping it.  She thought she would buy him out and use the house as a business investment.

The housing market collapsed and she was barely making the mortgage payments and couldn’t pay household expenses.

She began putting expenses on her credit card.

2006 she still loved Darryl, but she was now 26 and began to realize this relationship wasn’t going anywhere.

We weren’t going anywhere and just had reached a different level.

I wanted to get more into my art and photography.

This is where she gets into Travis as a meal ticket!

Her manager at California Pizza Kitchen turned her onto PPL!!!

She decided to check out PPL.  She took materials home and set them aside.  This is March 2006.

She attended a PPL convention in September 2006…reluctantly!!!

She’s living paycheck to paycheck and she had to give up most of the things she liked…like Starbucks.  She thought at the time, she and Darryl were in different spaces at the time.

She went to the PPL convention at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas.

She attended for 5 days and participated in team meetings and meeting more PPL associates.

She met Travis on Wednesday night, early September 2006.  He walked towards her quickly, but he stopped and stuck his hand out and introduced himself.

Travis inserted himself in the group she was hanging with and he kept her engaged in conversation.

Travis invited her to the ‘upscale’ executive banquette.

She said no because she had no dress-up clothes…she was across town and didn’t see how she could attend.  She went out and a friend of Travis lent her a dressy outfit.

The dress came from Sky Hughes!!!  OMG!

All the people there were successful and that impressed her as legitimate.

It made a big impression on her.


The absolute hate on Travis’ family’s faces is heartbreaking!Screen shot 2013-02-05 at 6.12.43 PM

Travis was an executive and he hadn’t gotten his ring yet, but was close to making $100k per year.

She says people who gave speeches referred to the lifestyle they enjoyed.  They didn’t worry about where money would come from.  It spoke to her!  Probably because she is a gold digger!!!!

He asked her if she was into UCF…ultimate cage fighting.

Money, money, money!!!

Jodi now says she finally realized Travis was interested in her and Travis was aware she had a relationship with Darryl.

Travis was texting her and got friendlier and friendlier.  She pulled him aside and told him she had a boyfriend.  She told him she liked him, but was in a relationship.

Travis told her shouldn’t settle for her relationship.

Then they started talking about Mormonism.

He made it very obvious he wanted to kiss me, but was using restraint.

She returned to California and Travis began to call her in Palm Desert.  She still considered Darryl her boyfriend, but they didn’t have sex because they broke up.

She broke up prior to the convention? Then she said it was after she got back!

Remember folks… (Darryl said she said no more sex after she became a Mormon.)

She left the convention feeling uncomfortable about selling, but believed in the product.

Back to Darryl…

She claims Darryl didn’t get that Jodi had told him they were done.

She then went to Chris and Sky’s to spend a couple days for a party.

She was a party guest, not Travis’s date.

The first time she and Travis kissed was when he came into her bedroom.

They had been speaking nightly since the night after the convention ended.

Claims Travis made jokes about Darryl’s age…calling him grandpa and encouraged her not to settle for mediocrity.

Judge calls recess….

I’m really thinking Nurmi will drag this out til the end of the week so as not to let Martinez loose til Monday, just sayin!


We talked about the weekend with Travis and Chris and Sky Hughes.  You kissed Mr. Alexander in the bedroom you were staying in?  Yes.

Travis came in and they just started kissing…no conversation.  It was passionate.  They were getting intimate.  Travis began to remove her clothes…ayuh!

I really hate this crap of the defense trashing the victim!!!

Jodi didn’t stop him because she didn’t want to hurt his feelings, but he was doing the initiating.

He removed all her clothes, but he remained dressed in his ‘magic underwear.’… kill me now!

Travis preformed oral sex on her!!!  BS, BS, BS!!!

If I could reach through the screen, I would choke this biatch.

She didn’t stop him because she didn’t want him to see anything negative about her.

He had asked her to reciprocate.  He ejaculated in her mouth.

I’m reeling from these lies, rehearsed and nothing but bs!

She returned to Palm Desert and Travis spoke with her that night.  They spoke about church and how she liked it.

The church folks began to contact her so missionaries could come to her house.

Travis gave her a book of Mormon at Starbucks before he returned to Mesa.

They got in her car and she says Travis told her he was horny!

He asked her to perform oral sex in the car.

No way a prude, I’m just sick over this!

I did it because I felt an attraction to him and wanted to do what he wanted to do.

After Travis left, she felt a little disappointed with herself, but felt they were both attracted to each other, but thought this was a bit early in her relationship with Travis.

Travis called her and said she says he voiced displeasure with himself.

She next spoke to Travis that night or the following night.  They spoke every night for hours.  They spoke religion and had flirty conversations.

Now, we’re back to the missionaries.  They showed up about two times a week.

They never spoke to her about the vow of chastity!

She met up with Travis again at a halfway point between CA and AZ.  They went to hangout and she thought there would be intimacy because Travis mentioned it.

At this point, no vaginal intercourse?  No.

No anal intercourse?  No.

Arias is no longer looking directly at the jury!

Judge calls it quits.

No court on Thursday…geez!

Jodi Arias Murder Trial – Day Fourteen

02/04/2013 14 comments

So, the chatter was, whose hard drive was being discussed last week, Travis’ or Jodi’s?  We were led to think it was Travis’, but according to InSession’s Beth Karas it is actually Jodi’s, a defense trick!

It will be interesting if the defense will admit it or if we have to wait for Martinez to resolve the matter.

Screen shot 2013-02-04 at 12.33.52 PMJudge calls a sidebar at 120:28 MST…we’re early, lol.

Jury brought in 10:32 MST.

Willmott questions Lonnie Dworkin.

 Dworkin now says the hard drive belonged to Jodi Arias!  Bingo!

He also examined a Helio phone in January 2010.  This would be the phone Gus Searcy gave Jodi.

There are no programs to retrieve info for this type of phone.  He did screen captures for messages and photos and he retrieved audio via a recorder.

Willmott shows him two photos of messages from the phone that he identifies.

He also examined Jodi’s Cannon camera January 15 2013.  He retrieved photos.

Willmott shows him photos taken from the camera that he identifies.

Martinez objects as to the relevance of the photos before they are entered as evidence.

Sidebar and the jury is sent out.

One photo is of Jodi with a dog, one shows Jodi smiling with a friend, and another one and the final one is a T-shirt and some pink underwear that says Travis’ on July 12, 2008 – after Travis was dead.

This is a murder case these have no relevance.

Defense says the photos show Jodi had brown hair in May, prior to Travis’s death.

Judge allows the photos, jury being bought back.

Photos are published to the jury.

Martinez on cross…

On Thursday, you gave the impression the Presario was Travis’?  Correct.

The damaged hard drive belonged to Ms. Arias’?  Yes.

Appears a You Tube video watch on Travis’ computer was titled Daft Hands- Better – Harder- Faster  -Stronger.

Martinez asks if he looked at the videos.  No.

It looks pretty salacious, doesn’t it?  Yes.

If I told you this was a rock band and Better – Harder- Faster  -Stronger is a song?  I don’t know.

Where there any images of women’s breasts on the computer?  I didn’t look.

Do you have any knowledge of pornography on the computer?  I remember some was on it.

Do you remember our interview?  Yes.

You said there was no pornography.  If that’s what I said, I stand by my statement.

Do you know who took the photo of the T-shirt and woman’s panties?  No.

But we know from the info it was taken in July 2008?  Yes.

That would be after June 4, 2008?  Yes.

Are you an expert on hair?  No.

Do you know when the hair color was applied to the defendant?  No.

Well, this was another defense witness chewed up by Martinez!                                                                     

Lunch recess called.

Willmott on redirect…

The Internet history from Mr. Alexander’s computer we looked at was it at 4 or 4:3o in the morning?  Yes.

The broken hard drive, did you actually see it?  Yes, and I had a mirror image of the hard drive.

There were thousands of entries on the hard drive?  Yes.

Yippee, jury questions!

Are dates and time stamps on digital photos able to be changed?  Yes, it can be changed before the photo is taken.


Did you see any manipulation of the data?  I didn’t find anything out of the ordinary or unusual.

Willmott now calls Bryan Neumeister.  USA Forensic enhances audio and video for cases.  He’s been doing this for 32 years.

He goes through his CV.  Certified as an expert.

He was asked to enhance the audio of a phone call where the person making the call was heard, but the person on the other end wasn’t so clear sounding.

They go through a bunch of slides with graphs that show voice tracks, background noise, etc.

This phone call between Jodi and Travis shows Jodi’s voice clear and they had to enhance Travis’ voice.

Does the male call the female by name?  Yes, Jodi.

And does the female call the male by name?  Yes, Travis and the man refers to himself as Mr. Alexander.

Martinez on cross…

So it was Travis and Jodi on the dvd.  Yes.

Did you only compare Travis’s voice to a known sample?  Yes.

Did you compare Jodi Arias’?  No.

Jury sent out…again!!

Jodi must be ailing…twice now; she’s been taken out to use the facilities!

Ohhhhh, Jodi Arias on the stand!  Yikes!

Nurmi on direct…

Is this a position you ever thought you would find yourself in…testifying today?

Objection, relevance…

Did you kill Travis Alexander in June 2008?  Yes.

Why?  He attacked me.

You gave an interview with Inside Edition?  Yes.

You said you would never be found guilty?  Yes, I planned to commit suicide and never expected any of you to be here.  I couldn’t say I’d be acquitted either.

What are the names of your parents?  Bill and Sandy.

You have a half-sister?  Yes.

You have a younger brother?  Yes, Carl.

Younger sister?  Yes, Angela.

Younger brother?  Yes, Joseph.

Till age 7 she had an ideal childhood, has positive memories of that time.

You’re speaking quietly today.  Are you nervous?  Yes.

After age 7 what changed?  The frequency and intensity of spanks increased.

Her dad started using a belt and her mom started carrying a wooden spoon in her purse.

Objection, relevance…side bar.

Parents under the bus…sound familiar?

Her mother would whack them with the spoon if they were being brats.  It left welts.

When your dad hit you with the belt, did he leave welts?  My dad was pretty imposing…my mother didn’t carry that fear factor so she hit harder.

So she killed Travis because her parents disciplined her?

The beatings increased into her teen years.

Your interest in art, how did your parents react to that?  They were indifferent.

Did your parents ever show any interest in your artwork?  At one point, for a few weeks.

Mom is making dollars off her art now!

Was your mom aware of your dad beating you?  Yes, I remember times they were both present.

Did you graduate high school?  No.

Did you drop out?  Yes.

Where were you living at that time?  I was living with my boyfriend, Bobby Juarez.

Why did you leave your parents home to live with your boyfriend?  I was tired of the discipline and I was 3 months from being 18.  I skipped a class and my parents decided to ground me until I was 18.

Her boyfriend was 3 years older and had never been employed.

They broke up prior to the moving in together and she found out later he slit his wrists and was committed to a facility.

OMG, this is so scripted!!!!

Afternoon recess called.

I can’t wait for Martinez on cross!  Just as she did with Flores, she is giving way too many details and that’s when she gets tripped up with inconsistencies! Martinez has been writing and writing pages of notes and pages.  Jodi will be sorry she ever took the stand.

Can anyone tell which side of her mouth Jodi is talking from?

For whatever reason, they just switched out stenographers.


You got back with Bobby Juarez?  Yes.

You had a boyfriend in another country?  Yes, Victor.  She met him in Costa Rica and his last name was ironically Arias!!!

She broke up with Victor and got back with Juarez.  Her mom wasn’t happy about their relationship.

Bobby didn’t have an ss card and couldn’t find his birth certificate.  Couldn’t get a drivers license.


She worked at Denney’s and supported both of them.

The parents went to a rest home.  She has no idea who paid the electric and phone at that time.

Now she says that she thought Bobby treated her well till she found he was cheating on her.   OMG!

She was hacking his email account too! She’s having trouble keeping the scripted story together!!!

Was Bobby ever physically abusive to you?   At one point, I was advised to get away because he wasn’t healthy for her.

He had an argument with her and grabbed her in a strangle hold and she almost passed out.  He said he would kill her family and he knew a lot about her family.

Have you heard this before??? Sounds like the same freakin story!  Liar isn’t a strong enough word for her.

Did you ever engage in sexual relationships with him? Yes, once or twice.

Why?  I still loved him.

She left Juarez and went to Costa Rica to reassess her life and then went back to her grandparents.

She finally decided stop seeing him after he moved to Oregon and finally got a job and was living with a friend, Matt.

Now, she suddenly becomes good friends with Matt!!!

Oh good lord, I’m gonna barf!

Why, when I look at Nurmi, I see him him roasting on a spit???

Holy carp, now she and Matt hook up as boyfriend and girlfriend and “We became romantic.”

Anyone else see a pattern here???

ritanita just told me… “Victor” is Travis middle name”… guess he’s made up.  And, then there is “Victor Arias.”

So, name the show…did I watch Showtime, HBO, Starz or a trial???

Nite All!

Jodi Arias Murder Trial – Day Thirteen

01/31/2013 13 comments

So far, from the defense witnesses we seen I’ve learned that Travis Alexander was NOT controlling or abusive.  He did not call other woman names, did not scream at them, and didn’t force sex on them.  The defense is playing the ‘tarnish the reputation and blame the victim game.’

As there is no court on Fridays, we’ll have to see how the defense ends this week.

Screen shot 2013-01-31 at 1.03.00 PMCourt begins at 11:02, sigh…

Daniel Freeman being questioned by Nurmi again.

Freeman now changes some dates he gave yesterday, when he met Travis and when they were roommates.

Have you been involved in a baptism in the church?  Yes.

Nurmi has him describe the baptism ceremony.

Nurmi know wants to know who in the church can baptism.

I know so much more about the Mormon Church than I ever needed to!

This is going to Travis baptized Jodi and that Travis was a bad boy and not really living up to the principals of the church.

Good lord, this is about a murder, not the Mormon faith!

Did you become aware that Travis and Jodi stopped dating?  Yes.

Freeman was aware Travis and Jodi were still talking.  Freeman spent times with Travis and Jodi separately.

Did you have any concerns that Jodi’s conversion to the Mormon faith was disingenuous and just due to Travis?


Did Jodi have a relationship with other members of your family and was it close?  Yes.

Did you have a romantic interest in Jodi?  No, I did not.

Did you contact Jodi after you found out Travis had passed?  Yes.

Freeman says Jodi was emotional on the phone.

Martinez on cross…

You weren’t present at Jodi’s baptism?  Yes.

So you don’t know her motivations?  Correct.

Did you know at the time Jodi and Travis were having oral sex?  No.

So she wouldn’t have been worthy for baptism?  No.

Did she tell you she killed Travis?  No.

So she lied?


Travis told you he was going to have a conversation with Jodi to break-up?  Yes.

You and your sister traveled with Jodi and Travis because Travis wanted you to be a chaperone?  Yes.

Nurmi on redirect…

In the regard of you acting as a chaperone because Travis didn’t want to be alone with Jodi?  Yes.

You said Mr. Alexander was a strong fit guy?  Yes, he was always working-out.

Ever see him hit anything?  Yes, a punching bag.

Powerful punch?  Yes.

Nurmi still trying tarnish Travis!

At anytime did you get the impression Jodi would stalk Travis?  I never thought so, but heard other people talk about it.

Did you believe Jodi loved Travis?  Yes.

Objection, foundation…

Jury questions, oh boy!

Were the arguments between Travis and Jodi any different than any other couple?  No.

Did you ever see Travis hit Jodi?  No.

Did you ever hear Travis call Jodi names?  No.

Lunch recess called.

Suddenly during the lunch break, I lost power…heat, electricity, phone…Had flashbacks to the nightmare of hurricane Sandy and was freaked to say the least.  My best buddy in crime, ritanita, did a Herculean job keeping things flowing…many thanks ritanita!

After a 2 hour, 20 minute delay for an evidentiary hearing when the courtroom was cleared of spectators and media, court reconvened at 5:50 PM EST.

Witness:  Lonnie Dworkin.  He is a computer forensic examiner.  He goes on to tell all the types of work he does and gives his background.  He uses the same tools, such as Encase, that LE uses.  He was retained to look at some computer evidence and cell phone evidence.

He did his own work and didn’t rely on Mesa material.

He worked on the victim’s computer, a Compaq Presario and did a forensic review.  He went into a lot of detail of what he did.

Exhibit 419 – Encase report of the Internet history.  Objection to it’s being introduced; I hear the word hearsay and the lawyers approach.

It is a limited number of pages.  The report is potentially longer than 1000 pages.  The objection is overruled and the report is admitted.

There was also an external drive that was initially broken.  He got it in October 2012 with a bag of parts.  He received a mirror image the following month.

Due to the damage, he had to do a lot of extra work to retrieve information.  Not all sectors were recoverable.

Some of the information was photos.  He can’t always get the dates they were taken for all of them.

As the evidence was to be presented, Martinez objected and they went to the bench.

The jury was sent out at 6:30 Eastern.

Mr. Nurmi stated that Gus Searcy wanted to appear telephonically and the judge allowed it.

Martinez asked that Sky Hughes also be allowed to appear telephonically, but the judge said that she had not had the opportunity to see her in person and she would have to appear the afternoon of the 13th.

Defense applied for a stay in the trial and was denied due to lack of jurisdiction.  They want to file an interlocutory appeal to the judge’s decision against mistrial due to the change in order of wounds.  They still want to get the DP off the stand.  (From InSession)

Tweets that happened during the afternoon session:

Hearing #JodiArias jury is going on break. #Arias delay continues

Beth Karas@BethKaras

The sealed hearing must have ended or is in a break. The stenographer just walked out followed shortly after by prosecutor Juan Martinez.

Court PIO confirming #jodiarias trial cleared to discuss new evidence in #travisalexander killing. No word on what it is.

Michelle Lee @myhlee

Hmm, now the jury’s back with snacks and drinks in hand. #JodiArias

Mike Kiefer:

Jury escorted back to the jury room. Can you tell this is a confusing scenario?

Beth Karas@BethKaras

Court has NOT adjourned for the day (or week). Still waiting in the hall…

Beth Karas InSession 53 seconds ago via mobile

It looks as though court will resume shortly. Going in now.

Chris Williams @chriswnews

#JodiArias family just allowed to reenter courtroom. Now InSession pool vid crew. #Arias delay over? We’ll see.

Michelle Lee @myhleeGood news, folks. We’re going back in. It’s been an hour and half.

Holy guacamole!!!!  The supposed new evidence…photos of an erect penis. My questions are, how the heck do you prove that it belongs to Travis and we already know Jodi stole Travis’ passwords and accessed his files…so long and short…I’m pretty damn certain she forged these photos, just as she forged the damn letters that were thrown out!  Mark my words on that, Jodi!!!

So, hope ya can make sense of all this, publishing with all the warts and blemishes!

Jodi Arias Murder Trial – Day Twelve

01/30/2013 9 comments

What a wild day yesterday!

Have to wonder who will be called as witnesses today.

Screen shot 2013-01-30 at 12.49.32 PMAs usual, court begins 20 minutes late!

Lisa Daidone is called by Willmott.

She is an ex of Travis.  They met in church and started dating about a year later.  They dated for 7 to 8 months, but it was on and off.

They emailed, texted, IM’d and spoke by phone.

Travis dated Lisa after he booted Jodi.

Travis started talking marriage early in the relationship which made her uncomfortable because she was only 18.

The first time they broke up it was because Travis was cheating on her with Jodi.

They got back together and she thought they were dating exclusively.

She was aware Travis was texting and calling Jodi and another woman.

She saw Travis and Jodi together several times.  She never saw Travis be affectionate with Jodi, but Jodi did try to be affectionate with Travis.

Did you ever have sex with Travis?  No.

Did Travis profess to being a virgin?  Objection, hearsay.

After he died, you found out Travis wasn’t a virgin?  Objection, hearsay…sidebar.

Willmott hands Lisa a copy of an email she wrote to Travis 12/23/07.  She asks it be moved as an exhibit.  Martinez objects…sidebar.

The defense hasn’t shown carp for their case!

This email was about breaking-up with Travis.  She hoped Travis felt the same and she didn’t want him to continue to contact her.

Did you tell him not to grab your butt in public?  Yes.

Did you tell him not to talk about sex to much?  Yes.

Did you feel he was trying to mold you to be what he wanted?  Yes.

Did you feel he didn’t respect your wishes?  Yes.

I sure hope the jury gets it how the defense takes everything out of context!

Did you tell him you thought you made out too much?  Yes.

Did you tell him you felt partly to blame?  Yes.

Did you tell him you were stressed out about some things and he didn’t care?  Yes.

Did that hurt your feelings?  Yes.

Did you tell him he was selfish for calling to talk late at night when you were too tired?  Yes.

Did you tell him you were sick of hearing about Jodi Arias?  Yes.

Did you tell him if he really cared about you, he would tell Jodi to back off?  Yes.

Did you tell him you felt cheated on and lied to?  Yes.

Lisa says this email was written out of anger.

Holy cow, this email goes back to the first breakup between Lisa and Travis!

Lunch recess is called.

Court resumes; yup you guessed it, 30 minutes late!

It was reported that several people in the gallery were joking and laughing at some of the evidence.  Judge admonishes the gallery.

Lisa Daidone back on the stand.

Travis was having some financial troubles and didn’t feel he could be attentive her, so they broke up again.

Travis contacted her by phone several times, but she didn’t answer her calls.

She spoke with him a week before Travis was murdered.

Martinez on cross…

Ooops, sidebar first.

2:09 MST, Judge Stephens sends the jury out, omg!

Court PIO reported that a juror was approached by a reporter!

Strange things began to happen?  Correct.

You and Mr. Alexander heard noises outside?  Yes.

You asked Mr. Alexander to stay that night?  Yes.

Did he make any sexual advances on you?  No.

You were at Mr. Alexander’s house and someone showed up?  Yes.

Was it the defendant?  Yes, she came in the front door, saw us and turned around and left.

Travis never forced you to do anything sexual?  Correct.

Did Travis ever scream at you for breaking up?  No.

Martinez went to show a grizzly death photo (slashed throat) of Travis and defense objects…Sidebar.

Travis’ sister runs out of court, Jodi is pretending to cry, Lisa looks upset…lots of folks in the gallery wiping tears away.

With all the stuff they say Travis did to you, do you think it’s appropriate to slash someone’s throat?

Objection, sidebar…

You had some conversations with people after he was killed about his virginity?  Yes.

Willmott on redirect…

One of the times you were kissing, Travis had an erection.  Yes.

That upset you, but he didn’t stop kissing you?  Yes.

Oh boy, jury questions!

Did some one tell you Travis was texting Jodi and another female?  No, they were texting and phoning back and forth and I was aware of it.

Did you refer to Jodi as a stalker of Travis?  Yes.

Travis ever call you names?  No.

Did he ever make sexual advances on you?  No.

Willmott up…

You referred to Ms. Arias as a stalker?  Yes.

Did Mr. Alexander ever say crazy things about her?  Yes, but I saw some of it.

Did Travis apologize to you for his temper?  Yes, one time.

Afternoon recess called.

Court resumes with yet another, sidebar…

Nurmi is asking that the ‘stunt’ Martinez pulled with the picture to be reason to declare a mistrial.

Judge says nuh, uh!

Lisa back on the stand.

Martinez asks to approach…

The display of Mr. Alexander’s anger was his throwing a telephone in response to damage to his vehicle?  Yes.

Defense calls Desiree Freeman.  Senior at Brigham Young.

Daniel Freeman is her brother and she knew Travis through her brother and she met Jodi.

She and her brother would hang out with Jodi and Travis during 2007 until 2008.

She traveled several times with Jodi and Travis.

She says Travis treated Jodi very well.  They were affectionate together.

Was Travis flirtatious with other girls?  Yes.

Martinez on cross…

The Mormon faith says there should be no sexual touching?  Yes.

You should do nothing that could arouse yourself?  Yes.

There was and argument and Desiree thought what Travis said was over-the-top.

This girl was 13 when all this happened and can’t remember what was said even though she thought it was over the top.

Daniel Freeman is called.  He is a Mormon missionary.

Nurmi is asking how the process works in the missionary work.

Daniel met Travis through PPL.

At first they didn’t get on because Daniel thought Travis was cocky, but eventually became friends.

He met Jodi through Travis.

Says he and Jodi became good friends.

Daniel was Travis’ roommate for 3-4 months.

This is such a waste of time.  I’ve stopped typing, lol.  Nothing more than normal behavior here.  None of this is even relevant.

Daniel and Travis went out to dinner with Lisa and one of her friends.  It seemed to him (after Travis booted Jodi) they were on a double date.

Court ends at 4:29 MST.

Defense made no headway here today!