
Posts Tagged ‘Lee Anthony’

Casey Anthony – Going To The Dogs And The Internet

06/08/2011 12 comments

August 2005 ~ June 2008

Don’t know about you, but I really felt Bloise, Vass and Foregy ran rings around Baez yesterday.  I’d love to know what the jury thinks of him at this point.  Does anyone think Baez has scored any points?

I guess Baez isn’t aware that search and rescue dogs and cadaver dogs have been used forever, around the world, with amazing results.

George and Cindy are in their usual spot. 

Baez renews his previous objections because the State is bringing in Deputy Kristin Brewer, Bones’ handler in today.

Kristin Brewer, now Sgt., is called.

She has 16 years experience.  She is Supervisor of Patrol as well as handling Bones.

Brewer reviews and identifies Bones’ records of certification, training and veterinary visits.

The records are entered into evidence.

Brewer met with Foregy several times to discuss how he trained Bones.  Brewer and Bones attended several training programs.  Andy Redmond’s program was one of the first.

Brewer logs all training that Bones undergoes.  Like Gerus, Bones was trained in all kinds of environment.

Casey looks totally detached and zoned out.

Bones has been trained on blood, placenta, bones, semen, teeth, etc.

Linda Burdick has Brewer got through the training records.

Bones is also trained in human remains, water searches.  Targets are usually submerged.  Bones had no false alerts or misses during the training.

Bones’ final trained alert is a ‘sit’.

Bones is trained on human remain odor – he can alert after the remains have been removed.

Linda has Brewer go through the times Bones was called to search for human remains.  On many of the calls Bones did not alert because it was animals remains, not human.

Bones has never given a false alert.

Bones has located small human bones after the body has been removed.

All this lengthy foundation is necessary because of Baez and his objection to cadaver dogs as being reliable.  The handlers and their dogs are highly trained and professional and don’t work off speculation as Baez would have the jury believe!

Brewer was called to Hopespring Drive 7/1708 around 8pm.  There wasn’t a lot of light, but that does not inhibit Bones.

Deputy Foregy asked her to search the backyard and informed her that Gerus had run a search, but that’s all she was told.

She placed his search collar on and gave him the command to search.  Bones gave a final alert in the area of the playhouse/sandbox which was the same area Gerus hit on!

Brewer returned the next day.  The OCSO has scrapped and dug in the dirt and Bones did not alert.

Cross by ‘Pop Tart’…

Alerts that a cadaver dog does, you don’t give specific commands, like find me blood, bones?  Correct, it’s one command.

If I left some blood from a nail that came off, Bones could find that?  Correct.

You don’t train on searching old cars, do you.  Correct.

Because you don’t know the history of the car or what happened in the car?  Someone died or bled?  Correct, we try to search the most recent events.

Deputy Foregy informed you where he searched at Hopespring?  No.

Did he tell you his dog went into the playhouse?  No.

You never deployed your dog inside the home?  No.

Were you told not to?  No, I searched where I was asked to.

Did you search the porch?  No, I was not asked to, it wasn’t my case.

Are you aware of any searches in the home?  No.

Wow, Baez never did anything that quickly!

No redirect, Sgt. Brewer is released.

Next, Detective Sandra Cawn Osborne.  OCSO computer forensics examiner.  She has a very varied background in LE.

She has conducted hundreds of examinations  on anything that may contain digital files…computers, cell phone, PDAs.

Witness accepted as an expert in computer analysis.

She examined Casey’s Nokia cell phone that she identifies and it is entered into evidence.

She used Cellbrite Data Extraction to search for information on Zenaida Gonzalez.  She didn’t find Zenaida on the Sim card.

She doesn’t evaluate the data and turned the information report over to detectives.

She examined a laptop and a desktop computer she was given as well as several cameras.

She located video files of Caylee dated 6/15/08.  G’grandpa video.

Osborne used Encase software to examine the computers.  The data on the desktop hard drive was connected Writeblocker which places the drive in read-only and she copies that to another drive to work with.

‘Special’ recess called…

Osborne takes the jury through how a computer hard drive works and the various search engines available.

Zenaida Gonzalez was found in the cache dated July 16, 2008.  The name was Googled and addesses in Florida were searched.

Osborne says the Anthony browser caches were rarely cleared.  Casey however, cleared her Firefox history while Yuri was sitting in the next room!  George and Cindy didn’t use Firefox.

The owner password on the computer was ‘rico23′ and was setup March 2008.  This would have been Casey!  She was dating Ricardo and his age at the time was 23!  Doh!

Internet files can show user account, not who is sitting at the keyboard.

Osborne searched chloroform and variations of the spelling.  The word appeared in a deleted space.  A Firefox, complete history record, file was retrieved.

She also examined Ricardo Morales’ computer.  Digital photo’s of Caylee were found.

What date was the camera set to at the time of the photograph?



Forensics are usually pretty dry and boring, but so much of this long, dragged-out crap is because of Pop Tart Baez!

Linda Burdick is done.

‘Pop Tart’ on cross…

There are two profiles on the computer?  Yes.

But that doesn’t mean only two people used the computer?  True.

Yeah, I stopped reporting this drivel!   ‘Pop Tart’ not only doesn’t understand computer forensics he scored no points here!

Detective Osborne is excused!

Judge Perry calls a lunch break.

Casey has a new ploy to avoid the jury and has been using all day.  Look at the defense table.  She has levered her chair to the lowest setting, placing her about chin height to the table.  She has also kept a binder in her lap to read from!  Rarely does she look up. LOL!

Sgt. Kevin Stenger is next.  OCSO computer crime unit.  He would be Osborne’s boss.  This will pretty much be a snoozer, so don’t expect a whole lot of notes here.

He does have a hefty CV in computer forensics, he is accepted as an expert witness.

Using a tech tool, Cache Back, he was able to extract a complete, deleted file off Firefox.  The file spanned the period of March 4, 2008 through March 21, 2008.

He created two reports for March 17 and the 21st.  Those searches contained the chloroform information.

Stenger identifies the reports he generated.  Entered into evidence.

Pop Tart on cross…

You don’t know when the file was deleted?  No.

You don’t know the circumstances around why they were deleted?  No.

These searches were done well before Caylee Marie Anthony went missing?  I’m not sure.

Baez rambles on a bit more and finally ends.

Linda does some cleanup, Baez asks a convoluted follow-up question and Stenger is released.

State calls John Bradley.  He developed the Cache Back program.  He used to be LE in Canada and has extensive training in LE and computer science.

He goes to great length explaining the software, his teaching in software and forensics and he’s pretty much here to confirm what Sgt. Stenger testified to.

I adore Ms. Burdick, but she sometimes she gets bogged down in way too much detail.  My eyes are glazed over. TMI, TMI, TMI!!!

Chloroform, alcohol, death, self-defense, hand-to-hand combatlinks are generated from the 1st query on Wikipedia and some were clicked on.

Not for nothing, I seriously don’t understand how this bolsters the State’s case at all, plus they lost the audience with this!

Judge Perry calls afternoon break and none to soon.

Next 3 entries were auto-generated.

So, Casey did a search on chloroform and then just clicked on a bunch of auto-generated information.

Now we get some user-generated information mixed with the auto-generated info.

A MySpace profile shows up as a cookie.

A view album for MySpace was hit.

Another 5 MySpace hits, user-generated.

Now on to March 21…

More user-generated activity searching chloroform.

Next, how to make ‘chloraform’ then spelled correctly as chloroform.

Some items looked at were actually booked-marked.

Google search on neck breaking!

MySpace, read message in inbox.  A ton of FaceBook activity followed all this on the 21st, ending at 3:47pm.

It was a long and winding road to arrive here, but long and the short of all this is, the hours of the searches pretty much pins this on Casey…her parents would have been at work during these searches.

Pop Tart up….carp, he admits he will be repetitive to some of Ms. Burdick’s questioning.

You were hired? No, I agreed to be a witness.

There is no remuneration?  There could be, but we haven’t discussed it.

You did this for advertising?  No.  Only recently I put a reference on my website.  Firefox 2 is well, long gone.

This guy ain’t no gun for hire…geez!

So, Baez is not only a science expert and a forensic expert, he is now a computer expert!  My invitation to the graduation party must have been lost in the mail!

Baez keeps bringing up FaceBook and MySpace and we already know Cindy and George didn’t use them.  OK, Cindy did once!!!

I refuse to follow Baez’s questioning, line-by-line through 57 pages…my lobotomy hasn’t healed and my meds ain’t nowhere near effective enough!

Linda does some cleanup…

Pop Tart back and asks about this report he wrote.  Oops he didn’t write it, it was generated by his program Cache Back which you and I can purchase and use. This was a huge, huge tactical error by the defense!

Can you say asshat?

An objection forces a sidebar…

Judge Perry releases the jury at 4:54pm.

Mercifully Bradley is allowed to run, screaming, from the witness stand, only to have to return in the morning…accccckkkk.

Yup, I stopped transcribing a while ago.  This has been one of the most painfully boring days ever.  I felt like I was caught between the dog and the fire hydrant!

Don’t bother to suffer through today’s videos folks!

Tonight’s reading assignment: Casey Anthony’s Lawyer Jose Baez Has Trials of His Own

When asked why this trial is taking so long…stand up and shout…BAEZ

Casey Anthony – Ahead By A Nose

06/07/2011 7 comments

August 2005 ~ June 2008

I woke this morning and before opening my eyes, I thought about how much I had to do and perhaps I should get out of bed.  I heard Judge Perry say in a strong voice, ‘Overruled’!  I thought, okey dokey, 10 minutes more, to which Judge Perry loudly responded, ‘Sustained’!

I’m guessing we may hear about computer forensics and all about the cadaver dogs today, which will tie up the high levels of chloroform and smell of decomposition in a neat little package with a bow!

I also expect we’ll see Mr. Baez playing the role of ‘Pop Tart’,  jumping up objecting!

Not much chit-chit from Casey, but she does smile at Jose.

We start the day with Jeff Ashton asking to approach!

Gerardo Bloise is called.  I assume he will testify the garbage with EMPTY food containers did not cause the smell in the trunk!

Did you receive a bag of trash from Awilda McBryde?  Yes.

Did you photograph the item?  Correct.

Bloise identifies the photo of the trash bag.  Received in evidence and published.

The paper under the white, is that something the trash was in?  Yes.

The paper has some kind of liquid on it?  Yes.

Was the liquid from the trash?  It was a little wet.

Another photo of the items pulled out of the bag is shown and published.

Bloise did a visual inspection and then placed the items in the dry room for two days.

Some items in the bag were wet.  Bloise said the items smelled like normal trash.  Not at all like the smell in the car.

The napkins in the trash were placed in a plastic bag.

Several photos of the trash are entered into evidence.

The defense is still objecting to the napkins in the plastic bag being admitted due to chain of custody.  Judge Perry will wait until Dr. Haskell testifies.

All of the aluminum drink cans, were they empty?  Yes.

The detergent bottle, empty?  Yes.

The Sprite bottle, empty?  Yes.

Every one of the items was empty. Yes.

The dryer sheets, were they the same as the ones you identified from the car?  Correct.

Baez on cross…

The trash was wet?  Yes.

Then you put them in the dry room?  Yes.

You put them in the dry room to remove the liquid?  Correct.

Baez shows a photo to the jury.

The two photographs are different?  Correct.

When you did the inventory it was after the items were dry?  Correct.

You had no idea that these items would be important to the case?  I followed protocol.

You had no intention to destroy evidence?

Objection.  Sustained.

I don’t consider I destroyed evidence.  Normal procedure.

I’m not accusing you of anything, but the items were altered…

Objection.  Sustained.

Back to the bagged paper towels…

They were dried in the dry room?  Yes.

Then they were put into a plastic bag?  Correct.

Items to be tested for DNA should not be placed in a plastic bag?  Correct, but there was no forensic valves…blood or body fluid observed.

You know DNA doesn’t just test blood?  Correct.

WTH?  The towels tested for adicopere…what DNA???


Why is it necessary to dry the evidence?  When they are dry, they are in better condition to be examined.

Wet items may be come moldy?  Correct.

The carpet you removed from the trunk, that you testified to earlier, was that dried?  Correct.

Ms. Burdick mentioned bug larvae?  I said I didn’t recall.

You are aware you can obtain DNA  from larvae?

Objection.  Sustained.

Arpad Vass is brought back!

I apologize for bringing you back Doctor.

Ashton asks Vass to identify a can.  The one he was shown yesterday was the incorrect can.

Vass agrees this is the can he tested by his markings on the item

Ashton asks that the correct evidence number be used for the record.

Good catch Jeff…better now than later!

Baez on cross….

Yesterday you testified about examining a can?  I didn’t examine the can.

Objection!  Sidebar.

Yesterday you mistakenly admitted the wrong piece of evidence?  Apparently.

Your not accustomed to handling evidence because you work in a research lab, not a forensic lab?

Objection. Sustained.

Recess called.

State calls Dr. Michael Rickenbach.  FBI forensic chemist examiner since 1999.  He has testified 12 to 15 as an expert.

Rickenbach identifies several items from the trunk of the Sunbird that he examined.

The items are received into evidence.

Rickenbach sampled each item for chloroform.

He opened the can containing a sample of carpet and put a cutting into a glass vial for instrumental testing.

When you opened the can, did you smell an odor?  Yes.

How would you describe that odor?

Baez asks to approach.

What was the result of your examination on that item?  Residues of chloroform were found.

Same result with the spare tire cover.

Same for each additional items.  Trunk liner  cuttings was consistent with chloroform, but not conclusive.

Baez on cross….

Tell the jury more about the GC/MS.  The equipment is very sensitive.  It can detect very small amounts of chemicals.

What do mean by residue?  Chloroform is usual found in a liquid state but the equipment can drive out the presence.

You can find chloroform in household items?  Yes.

You can find it in pool chemicals?  I’ve never studied that?

You can find chloroform in soda?  I’ve never heard of a study that indicates that.

Oh lord, Baez has the damn flip chat and markers out again and Baez makes Dr. Rickenbach get up and draw.

The GC/MS provided qualitative information, not quantitative.

It wasn’t the most chloroform you’ve seen in 20 years was it?  No.

Not shockingly high levels?  No it’s not.

So Baez is using Dr. Rickenbach to debunk Dr. Arpad Vass’ findings and I bet he is feeling pretty smug. This is way too easy and  I’ve got to believe Jeff Ashton has intentionally given Baez plenty of rope to hang himself with!

These residue levels of chloroform are equal to what you might find in common cleaning products?  Yes.


Did you find anything else consistent to cleaning items?  I was only tasked to look for chloroform.

Low as opposed to high are subjective terms?  Yes.

What might be a high or low amount of chloroform in a piece of carpet isn’t something you would have any reference to?  No.

How was the carpet packaged when it cam to you?  Inside a cardboard box.

What effect would that have on chloroform?  Cardboard would allow chloroform to leak out.  Chloroform doesn’t stay around long so packaged like that so I was surprised to be able to detect chloroform!

So the packaging totally altered the chloroform levels.

BINGO!  Good on you Mr. Ashton!!!

Mr. Ashton choreographed a perfect dance and just blew Baez out of the water.  Precision handling of the scalpel by the State!

The jury has to be cognizant that Dr. Vass has not been impeached in the least!

The ‘Pop Tart’ has been busy objecting!

Baez on recross…

His first effort is to dump the flip chart on the floor!

Whether sent in a box or a can, the amount would be a guesstimate?  I know how it is packaged would have an effect on the quantity.

Dr. Rickenbach is excused subject to recall.

Deputy Jason Forgey is called.

Cripes Baez has already objected!

For the last 10 years he has been in special services as a canine handler.

Forgey goes through his training as a handler.  He and the dog trained together.

Forgey worked with bloodhound Garrett for 10 or 11 months before he had to be put down. He trained another bloodhound, Ike.

Next he received Bones, a single purpose dog…cadaver dog.

Forgey details training the dog to odor and his final alert.  The dog’s body movements tell the handler the dog is working an odor till the dog gives the final trained alert.  Bones’ final alert was a ‘sit’.

Bones was imprinted with rags soaked in body fluids.  He then trained on bones, placenta and additional rags with body fluid.

Bones was sent to Osceola county.

Forgey than got Gerus, a German Shepard.  2004 they began training together.

A variety of different environments were utilized to train Gerus.  Fields, construction sites, cars, drainage pipes.

Gerus was exposed to cheeseburgers, pizza, horse and dog urine and fecal matter, all kinds of distractions from his imprint scent.

A handler can create a false cue, but they go to great lengths to avoid that.  It most often occurs with newer handlers.

Gerus and Forgey trained with Andy Redmond, world respected trainer.

Basically this testimony lays out how intensive the training Gerus received was.

Judge Perry sends the jury for lunch…a surprise lunch in terms of the menu!

1:24 pm Linda Burdick, Baez and Casey go into Judge Perry’s chambers, as well as an unidentified gentleman who has been sitting in the gallery, several days in a row.  Linda returns to the courtroom alone.

1:31  pm Judge Perry enters court and the unidentified gentleman exits chambers.  Casey and Baez are still in chambers.

Judge Perry is on the bench, but nothing is going on at the moment.  Everyone is waiting with anticipation.

1:38 Court resumes with no explanation of the delay.

Jason Forgey resumes the stand.

Linda Burdick shows Foregy a stack of documents which he identifies as them as Gerus certification along with training logs for he and Gerus.

‘Pop Tart’ Baez objects for hearsay!

Linda now goes into further detail with specific documents.  Certification records which are maintained as business records by Deputy Foregy.  Numerous training courses.

Only a moron would object to these evaluations and certificates as hearsay!  This is just another smarmy way to waste the court’s time!  I wonder if Baez has begun watching over his shoulder when he leaves court each day?

Linda moves to enter.

Baez the twit. wants to voir dire Foregy.

You are charged to keep this records?  Yes.

This is so you can show the Judge and jury the training logs and certifications if called upon in court.

This has to do with when you trained the dog?  Correct.

This has nothing to do with field performance?

Objection.  Sustained.

Baez is trying to say because the logs are filled out by Deputy Foregy, they must be bogus and not trustworthy!

Linda asks to enter again…

Baez objects as inadmissible.

Judge Perry cites case-law and basically tells Baez…shut up!

Linda takes Forgey through each training and certification for Gerus, tedious , but necessary testimony to establish Gerus’ credibility.

The dogs undergo 2 specialty trainings per month as well as the dog and handler being tested quarterly.

Gerus has been trained to still alert to decomposition even if the body has been removed.  Major, important testimony here!

Foregy and Gerus are called for current cases as well as cold cases.

Gerus was captured on police video during a real search and Linda wants the video introduced.  Gerus was at a swampy area at night, searching for a body.

Baez objects, claims no prior disclosure and Linda just shakes her head!


Can we go shopping now?

Baez apparently lost (surprise).  The video is 20 minutes long so Judge Perry calls an early recess before the jury gets to see first-hand, a cadaver dog at work.

Linda says they will skip parts of the video that only shows the helicopter, so the video to be shown will be approximately five minutes.

Baez argues the searches and training should not be done in front of a jury.  Baez doesn’t read the case-law the same way the Judge does.  He calls it improper bolstering of a witness.

Politely and sternly, Judge Perry tells Baez to shut up and sit down, we’ll see the video!

The video was shot at night, but you do get to see Gerus at work.  Dang, he went right to the body in the swamp, sat (alerted) and looked back at Forgey for confirmation…awesome!

Now Linda moves on to Foregy’s training of Bones.  Bones had 4 real finds in 11 months.  First a body in the woods, the second and third – a man buried under the floor in a garage and a second body being found a street over in a garden area, the fourth was a body that had been sexually assaulted and Bones smelled a rag that her blood had been wiped on and he located the corpse.  All were good hits!

Guess muppet-Baez forgot Judge Perry stated in earlier hearings that he has great belief in search rescue/cadaver dogs!  Baez’s claims the dogs are unreliable is so much piffle!


They have removed the carpet in front of the Judge’s bench because it had become threadbare and there was a concern someone would catch their heel, take a tumble and file a lawsuit!

Were you called to assist in an investigation of missing Caylee Anthony?  Yes, I was.

When were you first called?   7/17 08 he responded to Ops, the forensics bays just before 5pm.

Gerus was collared which instructed the dog what type of search they were doing.  Forgery wasn’t given much information about the case.

Forgey smelled strong decomp in the bay.  Gerus was in the vehicle waiting.

Forgey asked for the car to be moved outside because of all the different trash and biohazard items in the bay area.

Forgey swept another car real fast – it was part of what the did in training.

Next he swept the Sunbird with all the doors closed.  The driver door was then opened. Gerus jumped in trying to get into the back area of the car.  Foregy said to open the trunk and Gerus jumped up with his head in the trunk.  Foregy said the overwhelming smell hit him at the same time it hit Gerus.  Gerus went to final alert.

The next day they swept the Anthony backyard.  There were areas of concern Detectives wanted searched.  Gerus searched off-lead.  Because the yard was fenced Gerus was given free search.  There was an area of indentation Detectives were interested in, but Gerus didn’t alert.  Gerus issued a final alert at the playhouse, sandbox area.

Gerus was removed from the backyard.  Foregy suggested Bones be brought in to confirm the hit.

Bones arrived and searched with his handler.

Baez on cross and I’m passing drinks around!

You were alone in the yard?  Yes.

It’s a small area?  Yes, a small lot line.

Your dog has some training in residual odors?  He is trained in residual.

You gave two examples, how long were they?  10 hours and the other was 10 days.

But not after 31 days?  I don’t understand what you’re asking.

There are such things as false alerts?  Yes.

Dogs are not infallible?  Yes.

When you first saw the car, you were told it was the defendant’s?  No, I believe I was told it was a suspect’s.

You don’t know what trash was in the bay?  Correct.

You swept a car that had nothing to doing with the case?  Yes.

Then you swept the car in this case?  I didn’t what the case was.

You didn’t video this search?  It’s not protocol in real life.  Knowing where we are today, I would have.

The training logs you submitted are your logs?  Yes.

It’s an indication of your work?  Me and the dog working as a team.

You went back to the home backyard the next day?  Yes.

Did you have a hit?  No.  CSI had scrapped and dug up the area.

But they didn’t find anything, did they?  No.

You were deployed in December 2008 to Suburban Drive where Caylee Maria Anthony was found?  Yes.

You were asked to find bones?  Yes.

Did you find any bones?  No.

But a body had been there?  Yes and I wouldn’t let him go there because we were looking for other items.  Why would I let him go to where the body was?  We weren’t there for that purpose.

You gave a deposition and said the dog didn’t give an a final alert?  Yes, he alerted but didn’t give a final trained alert because I wouldn’t let him go there, I kept him moving.

Foregy be da bomb!  He just made a complete idiot of Baez.

Linda up….

How many searches have been video taped?  Very few.

The one we saw was because the helicopter was there?  Yes, I asked them to stay because of the alligator that was in the area.

After Baez tortures Forgery with asinine, pointless questions and insisting that Foregy only speculates about alerts and what they mean, he finally sits down!

Mr. Baez, I have a super, huge speculation about you!

State calls a sidebar, it’s jovial so I assume court may end now because the next witness will be too lengthy to begin.


Jury request for an Italian and Steak restaurant have been pretty much worked out by Judge Perry.

Court in recess till 9 am tomorrow!

Casey Anthony – Just Make It Stop Already

06/06/2011 24 comments
August 2005 ~ June 2008

After two weeks of damning videos and testimony Casey Anthony has been shown to be a lying, self-centered, cruel manipulator.  As the evidence mounts and the defense flounders, I have to wonder what the jury is thinking as week three begins. 

The countless sidebars, normally over miss-steps by Jose Baez have surely left some kind of impression on the jury!  And, the defense’s badgering, insulting, and bullying of witnesses can’t have scored any points!

Not that I give a rats butt, I wonder what Casey thinks of her  man-crushes, Mason and Baez, now.

Baez begins with renewing objections regarding Dr. Vass.  They depo’d Vass Friday evening.  The database is in Microsoft and Vass is using his experience and research and hasn’t utilized the database in some time and therefore the defense says they haven’t had the opportunity to fully questioning him.

Dr. Arpad Vass is called. He has been at Oak Ridge National Laboratories and a very hefty CV.

He goes into the biochemical parameters of decomposition and says when begun in 1972, it was a relatively new science. 1100 donated bodies have been studied.  Some bodies are buried, some left on the surface.

They look at the chemical breakdown during decomposition and analyze the fluids in the bodies and on fabrics.

Baez jumps up and objects to Vass’ narrative saying he isn’t a biologist!


Now Baez jumps up and objects to the narrative because Vass isn’t a chemist.

Judge Perry says overruled in a very stern tone.

Jeff Ashton is getting pissed with the interruptions!

Baez objects the 3rd time!!!

What a mo mo!

Dr. Vass is so likable and down-to-earth, the jury has to be fascinated.

Baez objects for the 4th time.  Overruled.

Heck, it’s only 9:22!!!

Temperature, water presence, pH, presence of oxygen are the 4 major events that affect the rate or completeness of decomposition.

Would extreme heat conditions speed the process?  Certainly.

Fat and muscle breaks down into volatile fatty acids.  That study was published.

Vass earned his PhD from the University of Tennessee. in 1991 after this study was completed.  In 1992 he started with Oak Ridge.

Baez objects to Vass’ explanation of what Oak Ridge does.!  Overruled!

Vass has been involved in numerous multidisciplinary projects.

Baez objects again!  Overruled.

He began work in finding clandestine graves. They worked with cadaver dogs with bodies buried at various depths with a piping system and monitored the chemicals being produced.

Over the 20 years at Oak Ridge they have followed over 50 individuals from fresh to fully decomposed.

The odor of decomp is definitely unique!  There are articles of the chemicals noted in decomp.

Vass has worked with pigs at the lab, the animal of choice.  Deer, dogs and cats – roadkill – have been studied.

Vass states human composition is very different from animal remains.

Baez objects, speculation.  Overruled.

Jeanine Barrett is here for a second day trying to get a read on the jury!

Vass notes that barometric pressures push chemicals down into the ground.  So environment plays a big role…

Objection, narrative not relevant!  Judge Perry is pissed and calls a bench conference!

Wonder if Baez is trying for another mini-Frye!

Instead of waiting to cross, Baez is just being disruptive!

Both Baez and Mason are at the sidebar so I guess Dottie is just a Casey-minder now!

Ashton asks the court reporter to remind them of where they were!

Ashton submits Vass to the court as an expert witness. 

Baez objects.  Overruled.

In 2008 Vass was contacted by Yuri Melich and he sent certain items to Dr. Vass.  The first of which was a metal can which Vass identifies for the court.

Baez of course has to get in Ashton’s face as he opens the box containing the can.  Ashton asks for it to be entered for identification.

Baez objects.  Perry calls a sidebar.

When asked why this trial is taking so long, answer loud and clear…BAEZ!

Ashton asks that it be received into evidence, received.

A bag with air was received and examined by Dr. Wise.

Baez objects!

Vass  says he sent an air pump and traps to collect air from the trunk and bay to OCSO, same kind of device he used in his studies.

Vass identifies the tubes returned to him by OCSO.  Moved into evidence.

Yeah, a ‘special’ recess!

Vass was assisted by Dr. Wise’s and his laboratory in analyzing the odor.

Vass describe how the test was conducted.

Baez objects!  Overruled.

They did not use cryotraps…

Baez objection!  Overruled.

The head space in the can….

Objection, out of this witness’ scope and expertise and we want a sidebar.

Oh, Lisbeth Fryer escorted Baez to sidebar.  Dottie must have done something very bad, indeed!

Baez wants testimony striken.  No!

The findings showed a large peak of chloroform which occurs in human decomp.  The chloroform was shockingly high, unusually high.

Baez objects to witness testifying to areas not in his expertise.  Overruled.

We removed the carpet from the metal can because…

Object.  Overruled.

The carpet was placed in a Tevlar bag to incubate it for 2 days at body temperature.  It was done to get the substance released from the carpet into the air.  The air sample from that bag was analyzed and showed  51 individual chemical components, one of which was chloroform.  The largest peak was chloroform.  The amount of chloroform shocked them because they had never seen a peak that large.

Baez objection…outside of expertise.  Overruled.

Chloroform appeared in the trunk at some time….

Objection.  Overruled.

They ran another test on a control piece of carpet to see if that contained the same levels of chloroform.

The test results from both carpet pieces are entered and published to the jury.

Baez objects.  Overruled.

Don’t forget, there are several folks on the jury with medical backgrounds!

Chloroform is found in many samples, but in small amounts or trace amounts.

Objection.  Overruled.

Vass describes LBS testing…

Objection, Vass is not a physicist.  Overruled.

He begins to tell how LBS works…

Objection.  Overruled.

Crap, Baez wants to voir dire Vass, just kill me!

Your not a physicist?  Correct.

Dr. Martin ran that test?  Yes.

You don’t know the methodology?  The test methodology is well established.

I am certified in lasers.

You were not present?  No, but…

Ashton objects.  Jury sent out.

Judge Perry – Mr. Baez, I was under the impression you wanted to attack some sort of methodology.  Expert witnesses are allowed to take another’s report into consideration to form their opinions.

Your not a physicist?  No.

You can’t assign a specific weight to these elements?  I know which elements are connected to decomposition.

Baez is being an asshat and acting like he is a scientific expert!

The only comparison you can make is the two samples you used?  You don’t seem to understand what is going on here.

Jury brought back in.

The LBS results are published to the jury.  The element levels in the car trunk were consistently  higher than the control sample.

Butyric acid was found in the carpet when they did some chemical testing.  Butyric is the first volatile fatty acid released in a decomposing body

When you opened the can, what was your reaction?  I jumped back about 2 feet.  I was shocked at the amount of odor coming out of the itty- bitty can.

Did you recognize the odor?  Yes it was decomposition.

Because you have smelled it before.  Yes, in my 20 years.

Scrapings from the wheel well is entered into evidence.

Baez renews their objections.

It contained an acid that is consistent with chloroform or making of chloroform.

Items, like the paper towel sent by Dr. Haskell are introduced for evidence.

Baez renews objection and has added chain of custody as an issue.

Side freakin bar!

Were these items fully sealed in the box when you received it?  Oh, yes.

Baez objects and wants to see the box because he may have yet another objection.  Renews objection with nothing additional.

Conditionally received into evidence at this time.

Lunch is mercifully called!

I must apologize because I admit, as likable as Dr. Vass is, I’m only capturing about a tenth of what is going on because much of this goes over my pin-head!

Dr. Vass retakes the stand.

The items from Dr. Haskell, the paper towels showed amounts of fatty acids or grave wax, adipocere!

The garage bay air and trash air showed chemicals but not what was in compared the carpet sample.

A rose, trash, cooking odors may share certain chemical element, but each has its own, distinct odor signature.

They tested old pizza, decomposing squirrel elements.

The scraping from the tire well.  The acetic acid is a product of decomp, but not one of the major compounds.

Dr. Vass’ opinion is that a decomposing was in the trunk of the car based on the testing the conducted!

Jeff has pretty well, established that Caylee’s body was carried around in the trunk while it was decomposing.

Lord, Baez on cross.

You are not a chemist, not an analytic chemist or a biochemist?  Correct.

Your CV says biology, and criminal justice, and your PhD is in?  Anthropology.

Dr Martin is a physicist?  Yes.

Mark Wise is an analytic chemist?  Yes.

You would refer to Dr. Vass on anything to do with chemistry?  I am. Dr. Vass!!!!

When was the last chemistry course you took.  1980’s>

Have you posted a FaceBook account saying you are a biochemist?  No.

Wikipedia?  No.

Objection, relevance.  Sustained.

You have a financial interest in this?  No in my opinion.

The database was created when you published your 2004 study?  Yes.

You found 478 elements?  Yes.

You have not given the database to the defense, have you sir?

Sidebar called by Ashton.

You refused to turn over the database to us to verify?  It’s not mine to turn over.

You aware we were given the list of chemicals, not the database.  I thought you were given the database.

You need funding grants to continue your research?  Yes.

You invented the Labrador?  I’m listed as one of them.

A hand-held device?  Correct.

You plan to sell this to police departs all over the country?  It was a project that we developed the machine for.  It’s up to the lab to file a patent.

The goal is to sell these around the country?  It’s not my goal to sell anything!

Ashton is objecting with every question and its sustained.

You get royalties?  I’m not sure how it works, but it’s insignificant.

You get 15% of royalties?  Split among all the inventors.

The work you did on this case was billed out to Labrador?  No, this is voluntary!

You have since filed several patents?


Another trek to the sidebar!

Objection sustained.

In your report in this case, did you disclosed you had a financial interest?  No.

A research lab doesn’t have protocols?  Research labs develop the protocols.

What you did in this case isn’t protocol?  Your asking about procedures which we did follow.

Is there a contamination control?  The instruments or the samples?

Either?  Dr. Wise’s notes lay out the standards and calibrations.

Baez isn’t getting anywhere here because Dr. Vass has deftly answered all questions.

It was reported to the media that you had found human decomp in the car…It was OCSO who leaked the info, not Dr. Vass!

Objection and we take the well-worn path to the bench again.

I’m thinking the court reporter should have a machine at her seat as well as one at the bench.  She’s been lugging this thing around all day!

You are aware that this information was released?  If you say so.

Did you have an email with CSI Vincent.  I was upset.

It was released before you even completed your work?  Yes.

That’s quite a bit of pressure isn’t it before you finished your work?  I was upset.

Objection, motion to strike.  Granted.

Your first report says 54 elements and 51 in the second.  Yes, there was overlap because some chemicals have multiple names and we removed the duplicates.

You can see Vass is getting tired of this nonsense.

Ashton just got 3 objections in, that were sustained.

You testified as to the odor of a rose?  As an example, yes.

You testified as to the odor of trash?  As an example.

These samples of trash were taken in July, but you tested them in August?  Correct.

You know air is free-flowing?  Yes.

You have no idea what happened to those sample before you tested them?  Correct.

So, Baez is intimating that all of OCSO screwed around with the samples before Dr. Vass tested them.

It’s a damn conspiracy I tell ya, they had murder on their minds, lol.

I love Dr. Vass!  He’s beating Baez at his own game at every twist and turn!

Baez is playing at his flip chart again.

I think he likes the high off the markers!

Let’s talk LBS.  Your not a physicist?  Correct.

You have no history on the cars (they did the comparison studies to Casey’s car) from the junkyard?  Correct.

They were exposed to all kinds of environmental elements?  Yes, I understand the trunks were unlocked and probably opened while in the junkyard

And you compared that to the car trunk from Florida?  Yes, and isn’t it cool they had much lower levels of chemicals present?

Good one Dr. Vass!

Baez has been spinning the wheels on his Big Wheels, but hasn’t gotten traction one!

You are aware the trunk was sprayed with Blue Star?  Yes, but the data safety sheet that listed the chemicals and it wasn’t relevant.

The trunk was sprayed with Febreze?  Yes, but the ingredients wouldn’t have been relevant to the tests.

God bless Dr. Vass for not losing it with Baez.

Isn’t that cool?

The adipocere elements you found on the paper towels could be found in a hamburger?  It would have to be raw, rotten and very fatty.

You’ve only used the database twice?  You’d have to clarify.

Baez now gets into the Barker Ranch – where the Charles Mason family hid out.  It has nothing, not an iota of similarity to this case!!!

Objection! Sidebar!

Can ya tell Dr. Vass is beyond bored now?

This is crazy enough Judge Perry sends the jury out so Baez can proffer.

In March 2008, you were asked to analyze soil samples from the Barker ranch?  Yes.

Your initial findings said they were consistent with decomp?  Yes.

You visited the site and based on your findings an excavation was begun?  Yes.

Did you say this science was in its infancy?


What are your error rates?  You can’t use error rates in this science.  The chemistry was good, we didn’t understand the environmental conditions.

We only reached a certain depth in the exploratory dig.  We’re talking possibly buried bodies from 40-50 years ago.

No more questions about the Barker Ranch allowed – has no bearing on this case whatsoever.

Jury returns 3:48…

Baez is now mixing protocols for collecting samples in a 40 acre field as opposed to Casey’s trunk!  The trash is different, lol!  Casey’s trash contained food packages that where empty, FGS!

Now Baez switches to diving rods…

Objection!  Let all go the judge’s bench!

Wow, even Dr. Vass is called to the bench, shades of Amy!

You testified to finding clandestine graves?

Objection.  Sustained.

Can a divining rods be made out of coat hangers?  If made of the right materials.

It’s a hobby I find interesting and is a great teaching tool.

Have you been offered a million dollars for…

Objection.  Sustained.

You also wanted to study putting leashes on flies…

Objection.  Sustained.

You know your findings are not accepted…

Objection, call to strike.  Sustained.

Oh this is pitiful and painful!

The smell of human decomp is unique?  To me it is.

You told the Knoxville Press a rotten potato is similar to decomp?  Yes.

You are twisting things around a bit!

Good on you, Dr. Vass!

You didn’t collect any of the items in your testing?  Correct.

You don’t know the history or makeup of the items?  No.

You have no idea of the chemical history of the 10-year-old Pontiac Sunbird?  No.

Baez keeps running to the table to get instruction from Dottie!!!  WTH???

Good God, Baez sits down.

Jeff in for clean-up.

Which governs your philosophy more, science or financial interest? Science.

You remember the deposition with Mr. Baez?  Yes, the inquisition?

The patent information?  You had to go ask somebody about how that works?  Yes.

Baez on recross…

You have no idea if the towels relate to the stain in trunk?  I believe there is a correlation.

You don’t know if  meat was picked up with the towels?  No meat residue was found and it would have had to be equal to about 10 pounds of meat.

Vass is allowed to stand down, there is an issue that needs to be discussed at sidebar.

Next witness will be lengthy so they will start at 9am tomorrow!

Prosecution, home run…defense, strike out!

Dr. Vass has an interstate case to appear at.  The defense slapped Vass with a subpoena today to compel him to produce his database and the State wants it quashed!

This is just so wrong!

Defense withdraws the friggin subpoena!  Morons.

Defense wants Vass recalled in their CIC, but he may go home now!

BTW, during your down time, for your reading enjoyment see what some folks think of Baez’s performance so far!

Apologies to readers for letting my boredom/silliness get the better of me!

Casey Anthony – A Hair Raising Event

06/04/2011 27 comments

August 2005 ~ June 2008

Something about the jail visit videos, shown over the past two days, I find quite interesting is many of the TH’s believe this was the very first time Cheney Mason and Dot Sims actually viewed them and they appeared taken aback!  If true, that brings several questions to mind.  Did Jose Baez never share that information with co-counsel?  How, in all this time, did Mason and Sims not know about this highly publicized evidence?  If they knew about the existence of the videos, yet only viewed them for the first time in court, what they heck have they been doing?

Today we expect to hear from Karen Lowe, FBI hair and fiber analyst.  Ms. Lowe was extremely credible in her testimony on hair banding during the Frye hearings.  Hopefully, Dot did some extensive research on the subject although, I’m sure we’ll hear questions on the current hair study being conducted by the FBI.  Dot kept trying to get that information and intimated the FBI wouldn’t turn it over and the State wasn’t demanding the FBI release it, but the research paper hasn’t even been finalized nor has it been peer reviewed!

Ms. Burdick indicated at the close of court yesterday, if direct and cross didn’t consume the entire four-hour session this morning, Gerardo Beloise will make return appearance.

8:58 Attorneys called into chambers! 

Baez renewing objections to hair banding testimony.  Baez wants to voir dire Karen Lowe and Judge Perry says you already did that at Frye.  We are not going to have a mini Frye hearing today!

What a mo mo!

Baez just won’t shut up.  How many ways can the Judge say no before he gets it?

I have ruled!  We’ve wasted enough time on this already!

Baez gets more desperate everyday!

Karen Lowe takes the stand.  15 years with the FBI.  She has testified around 43 times as an expert in trace examination.

Jeff asks she be accepted as an expert.

Baez objects and Judge Perry allows him brief voir dire of  Ms. Lowe.

This is the first time you are testifying to hair banding?  Correct.

Jeff objects and we go to sidebar.

The amount of hair training you received was a 6-month course?  Yes.

The rest of your knowledge is reading material?  Yes and case work.

Baez shuts up and sits down.

Court accepts Ms. Lowe as an expert witness. 

Collection, identification and comparison are the steps taken to analyze hair samples.

Can you identify one hair to another to being the same?  No.

Race origin difference can eliminate comparison.

Many labs around the country do this type of analysis.

She describes how root banding appears under a microscope.

She describes hairs from live persons were placed in different environmental conditions.  None mimicked hair banding in hair from a decomposing body.

Karen is using a training poster to instruct the jury on the characteristics of hair.

Ms. Lowe speaks very quickly and knows her science and no way I can keep up with capturing this!

Examination is done in 3 dimensions so photos don’t necessarily replicate what is seen under a microscope.

Over 13 years, Ms. Lowe has seen numerous cases where postmortem hair changes and/or hair banding has occurred.

Lowe identifies several items of evidence that she examined.

She also identifies known samples from Cindy, George and I think the dogs, if I heard correctly.

She also received Caylee’s hairbrush and comb for known samples.

From the unknown samples, she retrieved 11 hairs and one exhibited postmortem banding.  A hair from Caylee’s brush was similar in characteristics.

Mitochondrial DNA was performed on a portion of the hair by another lab

Apparent decomposition is a conservative term used.  Banding has never been found in anything but a decomposing body, but that’s not been proven as a certainty even though it has never been replicated.  Hair is not a means of identification.

Ms. Lowe’s testimony has bolstered the theory Caylee’s body was in the car trunk!

OMG! Baez on cross. 

What the heck is Dot there for?  Is he really that arrogant to assume the role of cross-examining scientific witnesses????  Baez has totally gone round the bend and has more than likely alienated Sims and Mason!

Jeff Ashton has objected to Baez’s first few questions.


Judge sends the jury on break.

Baez proffer – wants to use the National Academy of Science report to go to ‘junk science’!

Lowe acknowledges she has seen the report and read the section on her field.  She is aware the report claims identification of hair needs to be done along with DNA.

Baez is all over the place with other cases and reports.

Ashton says the proffer portions don’t impeach Lowe’s testimony, but supports it!

Things are getting really testy and Judge Perry isn’t happy.

What a total waste of time!

10:46 The jury is returned

The National Academy of Science report was commissioned by Congress?  Yes.

It was commissioned to find a better way to introduce evidence?  Yes.

This is the very first time you are appearing to testify on hair banding?  Yes.

Baez is trying to make her out as a newbie in this science and he’s stumbling badly!

You asked for more hairs to examine to bolster your position?  Yes.

You had doubts about your findings?  No, I had no doubts.

You did get more hairs?  Yes, from the vacuuming.

None of the additional hairs exhibited apparent decomposition.

There are no standards or error rates in banding?  It’s a visual assessment.

So it’s just your opinion as to this hair?  Yes and it was verified by another analyst.

Baez asks if she didn’t show the photo of the hair to the jury because she was uncomfortable.  She said it had nothing to do with being uncomfortable, she didn’t prepare an exhibit.  Photos don’t show characteristics as well as microscopic examination.

Ahhhh, Baez just got to the FBI study that is being conducted that Sims whined about not having!

Lengthy sidebar…

Judge Perry asks Lowe if any of her testimony was based on, the yet unfinished, study.  No.

Judge Perry rules Baez has gone out of scope with his question!

BTW, the jury hasn’t been present for all this nonsense!

The hair could have been Casey’s, Cindy’s or her mother’s?  Correct.

‘Cept none of them are dead!!!


FBI  protocol agrees that NAS is correct that hair analysis does identify a person.

The hair that was examined fell out during decomposition, not through natural shedding.

The hair was not treated.  Casey’s hair sample was chemically treated.

Jeff did some nice clean-up.


You don’t know the history of Ms. Anthony hair treatment?  No.

Karen finally is allowed to leave!

State calls Michael Vincent.  OCSO Assistant Supervisor CSI. Extensive law enforcement history, military as well as civilian.

He is Gerardo Bloise’s Supervisor.  He assisted in collecting samples from the Sunbird of stains and air samples.

The air sample was removed by syringe and then by a filter placed in the trunk.  The air sample was sent to Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

He identifies the Tevlar bag the put the air sample in.

He identifies the sample of stained carpet.  This was sent to Oak Ridge Labs.

A second air sampling was taken.

A third sample was taken with a portable air pump and collection tubes that were provided by Dr. Vass, along with instruction on how to collect the sample.

He continues to identify tons evidence items.

He also took the hair samples from the Anthony family.  Took the gas cans from the house.

Baez on cross…

You checked the car for blood?  Correct.

It was on TV was it not?  The bay  was, but not the collection for blood.

The crew was filming it?  Don’t know.

They were outside the bay?  They had no lights on.

Did you call them media?  No.

Object for relevance.

You never heard of collecting air samples before?  No.

It was some kind of experiment.  It was new, but not an experiment.

Air samples were taken several times?  Yes.

Because you weren’t sure you were doing it correctly?  The were done by Dr. Sigmund.

Baez asks if he took samples at the Anthony home, in the tow yard or at Amscot!!!!

Give me a gun!

Vincent has no clue what Baez is asking about.  Frankly, I don’t either.

Baez keeps hammering on the trash being wet and placed in a dry room.  The dry room is used as a dry room as well as for storage.

Vincent deftly says of the trash, “if” it was wet!

Wet or dry, the smell doesn’t change, maybe intensity, but the smell doesn’t change!

Vincent is finally released, subject to recall.

Jury released at 12:54.

Yippee, Judge Perry releases us till 9am, Monday!

Casey Anthony – Still Waiting for Godot

06/03/2011 20 comments

August 2005 ~ June 2008

What a long day it was for the Casey Anthony jurors.  I discovered yesterday, ‘trial fatigue’ is an actual medical condition!

Mr. Baez, through his own fault, has taken a beating this week.  He has stumbled time-and-again and it’s beginning to take a toll, the casualty being his massive ego.

At a sidebar where Judge Perry was admonishing him, Baez was not focusing his attention on what Judge Perry was saying; rather he turned his body sideways and stared at the ceiling.  Another sidebar trek made Baez pout! 

Late in the game of the State presenting the jail visit videos, he attempted to have the videos stricken.  Not for any other reason than Lee, George and Cindy had some not so pretty things to say about Mr. Baez and his conduct.

He also got cranky and snotty when Jeff Ashton accused him of sneaking last-minute discovery and a new expert into the mix ‘because he just thought of  it’.  His raised-voice response was snippy, indignant, and if you listened closely, he was more than likely stomping his foot!

Mr. Baez needs to find his big boy panties, pronto!  The jury is getting an eyeful, as surely as we are!

Casey is in court sporting a yellow blouse and a smile for Jose.  She is assisting the team by moving chairs and passing computer cords.

Judge Perry assume the bench at 9 am.

The next video should be the July 30 visit with George and Cindy.

Part 1  Part 2  Part 3

It’s really sad to realize how much Casey jerked thousands of caring individuals around with her manipulation.

Casey lovingly tells George, he’s been the best father and grandfather.

Are these the words of a daughter who has been abused?

Casey tells Cindy she is doing so great and needs to be strong.  You need to eat, you need to sleep!

George has just told Casey how much he loves her and misses her.  Look at the facial expression it elicited!

Linda asks to publish the next video and Baez asks to approach.

8/3/08 visit by George.

Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5

Again, is the man in this video an abusive father and why is Casey responding this way?  Look at her furrowed brow, pursed lips, and dropped jaw. Actual tears are falling.

Hopefully the jury is recalling Jose Baez’s opening statements about George’s supposed physical, sexual, and mental abuse against Casey!  This is heartrending.

Judge Perry calls for recess.

The final 8/14/08 video is shown.

Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4

This video blows out the entire defense theory of Caylee drowning as both Casey and Cindy say it was a phony media report!

Casey’s true nasty side emerges as she blows up at her parents, shakes her fists and selfishly rants about how tough things are for her.

Again, look at her facial expression as she watches the video!

Besides the forensics, playing these videos for the jury is probably some of the most damaging evidence to the defense!

The video ends and everyone in the gallery looks rather stunned.  I imagine the jurors are as well!

Judge Perry reads an instruction that basically says to disregard any opinions expressed about Baez, lol!

Det. Charity Beasley is called.  Detective in domestic violence unit OCSO.  She assisted in collecting Casey’s car, computer and various items.  She sealed the trunk and windows on the Pontiac prior to it being towed to OCSO forensic bay.  She turned the car over to CSI Gerardo Bloise.

Cindy Anthony gave her a blue plastic crate to her containing the doll, backpack, hangers, com etc.

Mason crosses…

When you went to the Anthony home, were you aware of all the activity that occurred the night before?  Can you elaborate?

Well, you didn’t go there blind, did you?  You must have had some knowledge of what was going on?  I knew it was an active investigation.

Did you speak with Det. Melich about the case?

I was…

“I’m over here!”  “I’m over here!”

Mason is pissed she responds by turning her head and answering to the jury!  What a rude, stupid bastard.  This is how most, all professionals give testimony.  Baez used this stupid ploy yesterday with Yuri!

Judge Perry cautions him.

Mason bellows at her, you didn’t smell an odor from the car, did you?

What a nasty curmudgeon he is.  The jury can’t be happy with this!

Did you do anything else in regards to this case?  What do you mean?

Well, you’re the detective, you tell me!

Mason’s belligerent attitude was so uncalled for!

Witness excused.

Judge Perry calls lunch.

Mason complains the State isn’t getting into the dog issues and they haven’t gotten any logs.

Ms. Burdick disagrees and has the information on hand and says she isn’t sure they are even getting to the cadaver issues today.  There will be at least 4-5 witnesses prior to the cadaver dogs.

Awilda McBride is called.   She worked for missing person unit.  She is not a sworn officer.  She met with George Anthony  and they went together to retrieve the bag of garbage from Johnson’s tow  yard.

McBride had a camera with her.  She identifies a photo of the dumpster.

Entered as evidence and published.

She identifies a photo of the trash bag.

She was gloved and placed the bag into a brown paper bag, and placed in the trunk of her car.  She then turned it over to the OCSO and turned it over to CSI Gerardo Beloise.

She also collected a digital camera and computer tower from the Anthony home.

No cross.

Christine Narkiewicz is called.  Works for OCSO.  She collected samples from Casey at the correctional facility.  She took hair and buccal swabs

Narkiewicz identifies the buccal swabs and hair samples.

She obtained Caylee’s 4 toothbrushes, 1 hairbrush, 1 comb, and 1 thermometer from Yuri Melich and processed those.


Baez asks if she wore gloves when taking samples from Casey?  Yes.

That avoids DNA transfer?  Yes.

You wore a mask?  Yes.

You don’t want to cross contaminate the DNA?  Correct.


CSI Gerardo Bloise is called.  Collects,  processes, and preserves evidence.

He took control of the Pontiac which was delivered to the forensic bay.  The openings were sealed.  He identifies a photo of the Sunbird.

He also received the doll, hangers, paper items, etc.  In this job as well as his police experience in Puerto Rico, he is quite experienced with the smell of decomposition with bodies in varying stages of decomp.

When he opened the driver door on the Pontiac he immediately smelled decomp coming from the interior.

He photographed the exterior and interior of the car and noted his observations.  He documented the gas gauge was in fully operational order.

An examination of the undercarriage revealed no animal parts ‘plastered’ to it!

Afternoon break called, none to soon!

I know this has to be done, but it is tedium on steroids!

Beloise back up and continues to detail his forensic examination of the car.

Ha! Casey learned a new trick.  Baez is standing in front of the defense table so she moved to his seat, next to Mason, and the camera no longer catches her!!!!

5 minute break called as the clerk searches for an item of evidence.

OMG, Baez wants to cross…

You did an external inspection of the vehicle?  Yes.

Then an internal inspection?  Yes.

You testified earlier you smelled decomp when you opened the. Correct.

You didn’t know if it was human decomp?  Yes.

It could be animal, meat or human?  Yes.

Full decomp, you would see maggots?  Yes.

You’ve gone to medical examiners office to take fingerprints?  Yes.

But you mainly smell formaldehyde?  Yes.

You also smell fecal matter when a body is decomposing?  Yes.

They are different smells and it hard to tell what’s what?  Decomposition is unique and you never forget the smell!

At different stages of decomp you have different smells.  Yes.

You testified to the gas gauge.  You didn’t take the car out for a spin?  No.

You did a thorough search of the trunk?  Yes.

You recovered hairs?  Yes.

There were no blood stains indicated by tests in the trunk.

You found how many hairs on your first inspection?  12, by hand.

Some were brown?  I don’t remember.

Some were blond? I don’t known.

Objection!  Sustained.

Some were animal hairs?  I can’t say that.

To find hairs in a trunk is very common?  I wouldn’t say very common.

How old is the car?  ’98.

So over 10 years?  Yes.

OMG!  Baez slipped and interjected Henry Lee’s name…idiot!  Lee never sent a report…he’s still waiting for his crate of oranges!

Immediate objection!  Sustained and get your butt to the bench!

Baez makes underhanded an understatement!

Linda moves to strike.

Judge instructs the jury to disregard.

The defense inspected the trunk liner?  Correct.

Animal hairs were pointed out as well?  I don’t recall animal hair.

Do you have your notes?  No I destroyed the after I wrote my report.

You received trash in evidence?  Yes.

Moist trash?  Yes.

There were food packages?  Yes.

37 items of trash were recovered?  Yes.

Chewing tobacco spit in a bottle?  What item in the report, can you help me?

Sure, it’s not in here is it?

Beloise even smiles.  A metal Copenhagen tin box is listed.  Empty Crystal Light bottle with brown liquid.

Was that the chewing tobacco liquid?  I can’t say that!

Have to say Beloise is no slouch on the stand…made Baez look foolish as usual!

Judge Perry releases the jury at 5:08.

Court resumes at 9am because the hearing is cancelled!

Karen Lowe on hair banding will be up tomorrow.  If she doesn’t take 4 hours, Beloise is on call.

Linda indicates the State will probably rest on June 17!

I’ll have coffee and donuts ready at 9!

Casey Anthony – Lies And More Lies

06/02/2011 27 comments

August 2005 ~ June 2008

UPDATED, 5:45! 

1st release was not a finished product.  Sorry!

How to describe yesterday?  Lee Anthony testimony was often tedious.  Not that he wasn’t cooperating; he just cooperated at the minimum – not giving anything up unless prodded.  Very unlike he previous appearances.  I’m sure he would rather have been anywhere else in the world than on that stand.

Baez had his butt spanked by Judge Perry on hearsay and impeachment issues and he really blew it by asking to withhold jail visit videos until they could review them in detail.  Never mind they have jerked around for several years, working day and night with limited resources…blah, blah, blah!

The most entertaining moment was when Baez asked Yuri Melich if he asked Casey if she had committed suicide!  Doh! 

If ya need to see it for yourself, go to 12:00 into the tape provided by WFTV.

At the end of the day, we learned the Sate is only halfway through their case and we haven’t even gotten to the tedium of chain-of-custody, nor the intense forensics.  Well, we can chalk a lot of that up to sidebar interruptions, mainly to tutor Mr. Baez on points of law!

Casey walked in and plopped herself into a chair.  The defense table is all aflutter with activity and Casey is peeved not a single person noticed her arrival!

Holy cow!  1st witness is Jeff Hopkins!  26, met Casey in middle school.  Says they were not very good friends.  He worked at Universal in 2002.  He doesn’t recall ever seeing Casey there.  He has no children, never knew Zanny or introduce her to Zanny.  he is not wealthy, with a trust fund!


July 2, 2008 he saw Casey at an alehouse.  Casey was sending out mass text message about going to

Did she tell you that Zanny had taken her daughter?  No.

Did you know she had a daughter?  Yes.


Are you Jeffery Michael Hopkins?  No sir.

Did you have puppy love eyes for each other?   No.

Just a mutual attraction?  Yes.

You told LE you don’t have a child?  Correct.

You are not rich from a trust fund?  No.

Zachary’s mother died?  No.

You were not moving in with Casey and Caylee?  No.

You told LE these were all just stories?  Yes.

Do you know what happened to Caylee in 2008?  No.

Do you know how Caylee passed away?  No.


Do you even know a Zanny?  No.

Next witness will be Leonard Turtora.  Asst. Mgr. of Loss Prevention at Universal – theft, crime.

July 16, 2008 he met Yuri Melich.  Melich was questioning about Casey Anthony’s employment at Universal.

There was no current employee by that name.  He did find she was employed by a third-party vendor.  Casey worked for Colorvision/Kodak during 2006.

He checked Jeff Hopkins who worked there late 2001 to 2002.

Juliette Lewis never worked there.

Zanny never worked there.

Email addresses Casey gave Melich were not Universal addresses.

He met Casey after a phone call where he could not confirm the answers to.  She was brought to Universal and met him.    Casey told him she was an employee, but didn’t have her ID.  She did not know her employee number.  She said she worked for marketing and entertainment.  The checked the computer database, she was not in it.

Casey said Thomas Manley was her supervisor.  Manley didn’t exist.

Casey led them to a building where she said she worked.  eventually, she put her hands in her back pockets and said, “I don’t work here.”

LE and Casey entered a conference room.

Casey left Universal with Detectives.


Mason asks, you knew Casey was not an employee and you told Melich that?  Yes.

So this meeting at Universal was a sham?  No sir.

You pretended Casey was an employee there?  No.

So you all knew she wasn’t an employee, but you all walked to the events building?  There is no event building.

She admitted she didn’t work there?  Yes.

You all knew that?  Yes.

Was she advised of her Miranda rights?  I don’t know.

Why the hell would he know?

How long was she in the small room with the 3 detectives?  30-40 minutes.

Is Thomas Manley a real or imaginary person?  Imaginary.


Was she handcuffed before she walked into the room with the 3 detectives?  No.

As the left, Casey asked detectives if they had looked in other states for missing children!

Next, Yuri Melich is back. 


Linda asks about the Universal fantasy tour.  He checked out the names Casey had given as other employees and he hoped to get contact information on them as well as Zenaida, the suspect in the case.  He was also hoping to locate her lost cell phone.

He describes calling Casey on her cell while with Turtora who was verifying that none of these people were current employees.

Yuri spoke with John Allen.  Allen, Appie Wells and Casey arrive.  Yuri goes through Casey entering the building and leading them to her office, which did not exist!

Melich identifies several photos of the Universal lot, Building and the conference room where they ultimately questioned her about her made-up story.

She was not under arrest.  Was not told she couldn’t leave.  Was informed that the conversation was being recorded.

The transcript and tape of the conversation are introduced and entered.

Judge Perry says because the tape is an hour or so, they should break for now.

The tape is played for the jury.

Nifter Media, taped interview (provided by my good friend, thank you ritanita!)

Sadly, but rightly, this has to be blowing the socks off the jury!  Hopefully, they are getting a clear picture of the lengths Casey goes to, to throw the investigation.

Even Casey knows she’s toast listening to this tape!  She never flinched at the words ‘decomposing body’; only displays anger!

Look at her furrowed forehead, drawn mouth and jutting jaw line!

This tape is pretty damn prophetic considering what we now know!

Casey admits on tape she has stolen and used other’s credit cards.  Wonder what door that may have just opened!

Did OCSO talk to Ms. Macklin at Sawgrass?  Yes.

Did they have surveillance video?  No.

You know Ms. Anthony’s car was towed from Amscot?  Yes.

Did they have surveillance video?  No.

They looked for Zenaida Gonzalez in the database, but Casey couldn’t identify anyone.

Casey told them Zanny drove a silver Ford Focus.

OSCO received over 6,000 tips on sightings of Caylee.  Sightings of Zanny.

Zanny was never located by LE.

Yuri identifies a piece of evidence – Casey’s cell phone collected 7-16-08.  The phone was given to forensics for examination.

Entered as evidence.

Melich collected from Cindy, items belonging to Caylee.  4 toothbrushes, hairbrush, comb, thermometer.

Entered as evidence.

After Universal, Casey was brought to OCSO and arrested for child neglect.


Baez asks if when he is asked questions, he turns toward the jury?  Yes.

You were trained to do that?  Yes.

But when asked questions by the defense, you don’t do that?  I’m doing it now.

You referred to Zenaida is the suspect?  Yes.

So Casey was not a suspect?  Correct.

This is after being told of the smell in the car, finding Jeff, Juliette and Casey didn’t work at Universal?  Correct.

You are not looking at the jury now, are you?

Objection!  Sustained.

Did you not suspect Casey Anthony of a crime at this point?  No, I thought she was withholding information.

You have quite a bit of information on the 16th and you go to several locations with Ms. Anthony that provided nothing?  Yes.

Baez says Melich found out neither Casey or her imaginary friends worked at Universal.

You told all this to your boss, Sgt. Allen and had her brought to Universal for this ruse?  What ruse?  I was trying to get information.

Melich say he couldn’t understand why the mother of a missing child would lie.  It didn’t make any sense.

Baez is his usual meandering self, but I believe he is building up to the, ‘they had murder on their minds’ theory.

When Casey admitted that she didn’t work at Universal, didn’t you think she was guilty of more than just lying?  No, we were looking at the inconsistencies in her stories, they were just strange.

OMG!  Baez asked if when in the conference room, if as he went to sit down, Casey said don’t, Zanny the nanny is there, what would you have done?

I am just dumbfounded!

Please don’t attempt this at home, folks!  Yikes!

Objection!  Sustained.

Baez, may we approach?


Baez is just making this crap up as he goes alongThis has nothing to do with facts or evidence and I’m sure the jury is as lost as we are!

Baez is pouting at sidebar.

Judge Perry obviously is annoyed and sends the jury to lunch.

Judge Perry gives 2 cases to both sides to review on ‘good faith basis’ for asking questions.

Back in court and I thought I’d share – so nice that Casey has something to laugh about!

Baez back on cross, he tells the Judge he has other areas he wish to pursue.

This opportunity to speak with Ms. Anthony allowed you to confront her about the lies and imaginary friends.

You’ve had training on interrogating people?  Yes.

And this includes psychological methods?  Methods, not necessarily psychological.

It didn’t work with Ms. Anthony?  Oh, I disagree.  She admitted she lied, but still claimed the child was with the babysitter.

The imaginary sitter?  At the time we had no idea whether or not she existed.

You said Cindy was calling and blowing up your phone?  Yes/

You never heard from George?  No.

Cindy tells you about the pool ladder incident.  Yes.

And you can go back into the room now and question Casey Anthony.  Yes, I could have, but at the time it was just another piece of information.

You never questioned Casey about the pool?  I could have, but I didn’t.

So this important information, you never took the opportunity….

Objection!  Sidebar. Seems out of scope to me.

Question withdrawn.

Baez is trying to compress everything LE has come to know in the one interview at Universal!

Casey gave you her cell phone?  Yes.

She volunteered he computer?  Yes.

You collected Caylee’s items from Cindy Anthony?  Yes.

Did you get information that the hairbrush may not be Caylee’s?

Objection, hearsay!  Sustained.

You sent those items for DNA…

Objecton, out of scope!  Sustained.

Linda does a fine job clearing up the confusion Baez created.

Casey never bought into the pool accident?  No.

Ms. Anthony never changed the story from the nanny?  No.

Yuri released, subject to recall.

Linda shows the first jail visit video…Lee’s initial visit.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Baez has an objection and wants a sidebar!

Judge Perry says no…untimely

Remember these videos don’t show Baez in a good light and his ego is gonna take a well deserved hit here!

The jury hears the family has been writing to Casey and she hasn’t received anything.  The letters were given to Baez and nobody knows where they went!

Holy cow! The court officers are wheeling in bar carts!

Nah, just seeing if you’re paying attention!

Next video is lengthy so Judge Perry allows a ‘special’ recess – he’s the bomb!

Baez calls for a mistrial because there are negative comments about the defense counsel.

Linda Burdick says Baez’s original motion did not point to any areas of the tapes in question.

Judge Perry again says the deadline was December 30 2010.  Correct.

Baez agrees with Ms. Burdick even though hundreds of motions have been filed.  He feels obligated to raise the issue.  I have to bring it to your attention.

Judge Perry says he doesn’t fault him for bringing it up.

The tapes were sent to the defense in 2008.  The lost one was sent in 2009.

Judge asks if Baez asked to redact any portions?  No.

Tough noogies, you lose Mr. Baez!

Judge asks if Baez asked to redact any portions?  No.

Baez now wants a jury instruction.

Video 2  –  July 25 visit

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Casey cries some fake tears.  The video is scary because knowing what we know now, Casey drops all kinds of hints as to where Casey will be eventually found!

The next video is 45 minutes of Lee and Casey.  It is the code speak between Casey and Lee.

Jury says to go for it!

5:21 Court is called for the day for the jury!

Mason has filed a motion that he has never seen!!!!  It is signed by Finnell.  His office said it should be heard at 8:30.  Judge Perry asks if this is one they have already heard.  Mason says he doesn’t know if anything changed in it.

Perry says well, you better read it if you want it heard at 8:30am

OMG!  The defense just gave the State a new expert witness.  All the State got was a web download for Dr. Sally Karioth.  Lectures on Death In The Family!  She has never interviewed Casey. She hasn’t written a report even!

She’s being called to defend Casey’s ugly coping!  Smoke and mirrors!

Baez says the State gives him new witnesses and discovery all the time!

Baez says the witness is available to be deposed.

Hey, is this why another 100 hours was requsted for Jeanine Barrett the other day because ‘something new’ had cropped up?

Perry suggests a deposition but cites case-law that may not allow it.  Bereavement normally occurs after a body is found.  Casey’s ugly coping was months before!

Baez says this is something we just thought of and choose to pursue regardless of the insults by the State.

They also just got new discovery today – George’s medical records!

Holy crap!

This is smarmy and underhanded!

Perry says they can have a hearing at 8:30 or 1pm on Saturday.

5:40 pm we’re done!

Casey Anthony – Imaginarium

06/01/2011 29 comments

August 2005 ~ June 2008

Yesterday was one of the hardest days of testimony to get through.  Cindy’s pain was palpable as she sobbed on the witness stand.  It is amazing to think Casey had the strength to create and maintain all her imaginary friends.  She must have been exhausted keeping all those lies straight!

Casey was her usual pouty self, shooting those eye daggers at anyone who doesn’t tow her line.

Today we will find out how much, if any, leeway Judge Perry will give the State in presenting the 6 felony convictions.  To me, they have already shown Casey spending money like a drunken sailor, but to introduce the felony convictions that tie to Amy’s money being stolen while she was in Puerto Rico would have a huge impact on the jury.

And, Baez better have all the files in the court!  Actually, if he doesn’t, that will be fun too!

Jeff Ashton says the statements in the transcript show the hearsay comments about Eric Baker, Jeff Hopkins and asks whether or not the statements offered by the defense were offered as true.

Ashton withdrew his argument saying he would hold Huggins in his back pocket for future use.

Judge says we’re dealing with imaginary friends, lol.

Basically, if Baez goes off scope again, then deer season is open!

Judge Perry instructs them all to read several Florida State Statutes.  Be very careful, hearsay statements can have a devastating effect.

Amy retakes the stand to be crossed by Baez.

You were friends with Casey?  Yes.

In fact, it was only for 5 months?  Yes.

And much of that time, you didn’t see each other?  We called and texted.

These messages are from April 24 through July and you voluntarily gave these to LE?  Yes, I gave them my phone to download.

So this stack of text messages is a good example of your relationship?  I say it’s a pretty good example.

There is only one message that says Casey can’t go out because her mother couldn’t watch Caylee?  If that’s whats’ there.

In fact, there were many reasons Casey couldn’t go out other than Cindy?  Yes.

You testified about Casey’s relationship with Cindy?  From what I was told, it was one-sided.

You spoke of the smell in Casey’s car?  Yes.

The text is from the day Casey left the car at Amscot? Yes.

Is your memory a little fogged?  It was a long time ago.

You were drinking heavily then?  No more than anyone my age. 

You crashed your car when you were drinking and driving?  I stopped drinking 3 hours before I left and I’ve fallen asleep in the day on that stretch of road, it’s long and boring.

So, Amy is a big sloppy drunk now?

Baez is trying to bring in other accidents she has had, she glanced off a guardrail.

Like he never had any?  I say let’s pull his driving record!

Frank George objects as to improper impeachment.

Judge tells them to approach.

Objection sustained!

During that accident, you totaled your car?  Yes.

You had a bloody nose?  No really.

Did you have a head injury? No.

Did you text people to call you in 10 minutes in case you passed out?  I don’t know, did I?

Baez points to her depo.  Yes, I said I didn’t know if I hit my head.  I had never been hit by air bag.

Did it affect your memory?  No.

Did you ever see a doctor? No.

So you don’t know if it did?  No, I don’t think so.

You moved in with Ricardo?  Yes.

Did you go out with Jesse?  It wasn’t a date, date.  We got together to discuss finding Caylee.

Any other boyfriends of Casey’s you went out with?

Objection!  Sustained.

Were you at the Anthony home on June 16?  No.

There is nothing you can tell the jury as to what happened to Caylee?  No.

Baez is done and George has no redirect.  Amy is subject to recall.

Amy asks to say something – Judge calls a sidebar.

What a pig Baez is!  Amy is not a drunkard, a reckless driver and she didn’t chase Casey’s boyfriends for sloppy seconds, and btw, what the hell does that have to do with the fact Casey is on trial?  Talk about character assassination!

Judge Perry calls Amy to the sidebar!  She is very animated and finally leaves the courtroom with a big smile and she practically skips out!  Guess she’s on her way back to Barcelona!

Lee Anthony is called!  His is not working.  He was not living at home in June  2008.  June 18th through July 23rd he and Casey spoke several times.

In the beginning of July, did you visit your mom?  Yes because she asked me.

On July 3rd were you aware that your sister and niece were not out home?

Dot objects, hearsay.  Sustained.

Were you aware your mother had a MySpace account?  At some point.

Did you help her set it up?  No.

Lee takes us through looking for Casey on Church Street with Mallory and Danny.

Lee tried to get a hold of Casey by text message.  She didn’t respond so Lee asked Mallory to try to contact Casey, but not say she was with him.

He also left 1/2 a dozen phone messages.  Casey picked up and Lee asked where are you at?  Casey said she was busy and hung up on him.

Casey told Lee she was in Jacksonville!  Lee says he knew it was a lie!

She said she was with a friend at a Country Western bar.  He called her out on that as not true.

He asked about Caylee and Casey said a friend was watching her.  Casey continued to insist she was in Jacksonville.  Lee told her she needed to talk to mom and mom was worried about her and Caylee.

Dot keeps objecting as leading!

Yes, no questions are leading?

Lee never saw Casey that night.

Did you learn no one in your family hadn’t seen Casey for several weeks?   He didn’t look for Casey because Cindy asked him not to.

Did you believe at this time everything was under control?  Yes, he thought his mother had things under control.

Objection, improper impeachment.

Next time he saw Casey was July 16 because his dad called him.

Objection, hearsay.  Overruled.

Lee arrived at the house around 8pm.  He went through the garage and describes the smell of the car.  It was very potent, very strong.  He had to walk by the car to get into the house.  Cindy and Casey arrived about 5 minutes later.

Lee doesn’t remember what Casey said when she entered the house so George show him his deposition.

What was the first thing Casey said in your presence?  She wasn’t even sure why bother because nobody was even listening her.

He said Casey and Cindy were combative.

Casey said Caylee was with a nanny.

Did you ever know of a nanny?  No.

Casey said Caylee was already asleep for the evening and she didn’t want to disturb her.  This routine was what she was used to and she didn’t want to upset it.

Do you recall your answer to that question from your deposition?  No.

George shows him the depo.

Lee said in depo the routine was established for about 3 weeks.

Casey and Cindy argued in the bedroom for a couple of minutes.

Casey said they could get Caylee tomorrow.  It was always tomorrow.

Did you offer to go get Caylee that night?  Yes, but Casey said she didn’t think mom would allow it.

Dot is being a pain in the ass with her objections to almost every question and Lee doesn’t appear to have attended the come to Jesus meeting George and Cindy went to.  His cooperation is pretty minimal and one has to assume he is still defensive about his sister.

15 minute recess called.

Did you ask your sister, why won’t you let us see Caylee?  I don’t specifically recall.  Did you tell Det. Edwards what Casey said in your interview?

Dot wants to approach and Judge Perry says no at this time, he’s only refreshing his memory!

George shows him the interview.

Dot objects and proves what a noodge she is.  Perry calls them to the bench.

OK, here’s Dot’s game.  She objects based on her anticipating the questions George will ask!

Objection overruled!

Lee says Casey made a comment that she wasn’t telling because, maybe I’m a spiteful bitch!

Another sidebar is called.  WTH is Casey crying about?

Do you recall the statement you just read?  Yes.

Dot objects to Mr. George interrupting the answer.  Overruled.

Again George gives him the testimony.

Casey told him thrown it in her face that Casey was an unfit mother for Caylee and Casey said maybe I am.

I told her my mother said Caylee was a mistake…a great mistake or the best mistake Casey had ever made.

At this time are your frustrated with your sister?  Yes, nothing was making sense to me.

What wasn’t making sense?  Why can’t we get Caylee and why keep fight with mom?

George asks to approach Lee…Dot objects…another sidebar.

Ahhh, Casey cried after the, maybe I’m a spiteful bitch statement,   Kathi Belich reported 9 of the jurors were looking directly at Casey and didn’t look very happy with her…so fake tears to garner sympathy!

Lee talks about role-playing a cop with Casey.  This is when Casey finally said Caylee was missing for 31 days and was kidnapped by the nanny.  This was the first time he heard Zanny’s name.

Your sister was specific about the number of days?  Yes.

Was you mom present?  No, she came in at the end and she wasn’t happy.

Cindy asked what did you do?  We could have found her.

Objection!  Overruled.

Move to strike.

Casey said the last she saw Caylee was at Sawgrass apartments.  She was searching for Caylee herself.  She camped out and watched Sawgrass.  She went to stores and parks where Caylee had been before.  She told Lee she received a call from Caylee on July 15 and Casey told Caylee to put an adult on the phone.

Lee tried to get information from Casey and got Tony’s name and address.  He went to Tony’s.  He told Tony what was going on.  Lee took Casey’s laptop, duffel bag of clothes and a backpack.

The laptop was on, but went to a blue screen (screen of death) and he realized the computer had a virus. He could not reboot it.

George shows Lee a piece of evidence and Dot objects to calls for speculation and ask to approach.

Judge Perry has to be getting annoyed!  Defense seems very concerned with Lee’s testimony and is fight every step of the way to keep it out.

Back on record…

George shows Lee some receipts, ticket stubs, a photocopy of a note of his.

How many receipts, can you count?

Dot objects because of relevance.

There are 19 receipts.

Object.  Overruled.

Where did you get the receipts?

Object. Overruled.

They came from Casey’s bag.

Lee was present when the 3 bags were emptied.  The receipts were in the backpack.

Lee describes the police arriving and one officer went to Casey’s room and began questioning her.

George arrived within minutes before the police.

He spoke with Casey in the garage after the police arrived.

Was the car still there? Yes.  Still smell?  Still bad?  Yes.

He told Casey how awful the garage and car smelled.  It was difficult to stay in the garage due to the odor.

In the stuff he picked up from Tony, Lee didn’t see anything that belonged to Caylee!

George is done.

Sims on cross.

You are Casey’s older brother?  Correct.

July 3rd, you received 2 calls from your mother?  I may have gotten one call.  There was no mention of Caylee being missing. Correct.

On the 3rd you left for Chicago?  No, I think it was June.

July 15, 2008 you were present when your mother called the police?  Yes.

You did not believe a crime had been committed?

Objection.  Sustained.

The Pontiac was the car Casey drove?  Correct.

Your father had an extra set of keys that would have allowed him to access the car and trunk?  Yes.

When you were talking with Casey, you were whispering?  At one point.

She was crying?  Yes.

When you father arrived he didn’t go into Casey’s room and ask what was going on?  No.

Your father didn’t ask you what was going on?

Objection.  Sustained.

You were there during the confrontation?  Yes.

Your mother’s focus was why are we in this situation, not where is Caylee?  At that time, yes.

You believe the bags you picked up were packed by Mr. Lazzaro?

Objection!  Side-freakin-bar!

Have you any knowledge how you and Casey pack bags?  Yes.

You throw things, unfolded into bags?  Yes.

Did you have knowledge if Casey packed that bag?  No.

Your sister didn’t pack that bag?

Objection, Sustained.

The bags you picked up had no order, did they?  No.

Your father details and cleans the family cars?  Yes.

Every weekend?  Yes.

The laptop with the blue screen?  Mr. Lazzaro was there when you picked it up? Yes.

Mr. Lazzaro could have caused that screen to go blue?

Objection.  Sustained.

Observation:  I have no idea where Dot suddenly developed this soft, throaty, sexy voice!  She has never, ever used this voice during hearings!  I may just heave a bit!

George on redirect.

The call where your mom told you Casey and Caylee were missing…

Objection, hearsay.  Approach the bench.

When you testified your dad arrived before the police, were you all separated?  Eventually, yes.

When your sister told you this kidnap scenario did your focus shift from Casey to Caylee.  Yes.

Did Casey tell the police about the kidnapping?  Yes.

Did their focus shift? Yes.

Objection.  Overruled.

When you spoke with Det. Edwards about what Casey said…

Objection, exceeds scope.  Overruled.

Lee excused subject to recall.

Next witness, Brendon Fletcher.  OCSO Corporal who was the first officers who were sent to Casey’s house.  He arrived in a marked police vehicle.  He believed he was there because of a stolen car and a verbal confrontation of some sort.

He spoke to Cindy about the call to gather information.  Cindy, Casey and George were in the house.  George didn’t say much and Cindy was very upset.

Cindy said Caylee had been kidnapped.

Did you ask Casey questions?  Yes.

Was she responding to you?  No, initially.

Eventually,  Casey admitted Caylee was missing and Zanny had taken her.  She could remember the address by name, but was willing and able to show them.

He drove to the complex and Deputy Acevedo drove Casey.

Linda shows him a report he wrote and shows the apartment number as 210.  The apartment was empty.

Linda is done.

Baez says he’ll be brief!

The garage door was open at the home and the Pontiac was in there with the trunk open?  Yes.

And you walked in and out?  Not in and out, I walked into the house.

You did not observe any decomp odor?  No.

How many officers arrived?  3-4.

Did any say they smelled decomp?

Objection, hearsay.  Sustained.

Your report contains your observations and other.  No, just facts I observed?

Nowhere in your report did it say anything about decomp?

Objection.  Sustained!

OMG, Baez has no idea how police reports are generated!

Fletcher released and lunch is called!

Baez argues a motion that the State wants to introduce the jail visitations…he want to proffer which portions so they can speed the process of objecting.

Linda wants to play all portions of all videos.  Baez has had 3 years to file a motion and only mentioned today what he wanted to do.  We had a hearing in March.  I asked him to type out what he found objectionable and I would review.

Linda is pissed!

Did the defense review the tapes?  Yes, we’ve had them.

Judge Perry is pissed too!

We’ve had numerous hearings and the week before we went to Pinellas County I offered to hear any motions and there were deadlines.  Motion to be heard prior to December 31, 2010.

Baez says in the course of defending this case, we’ve had numerous issues we’ve had to litigate, we have not been sitting around doing nothing…

OK, Baez admits the defense are idiots and can’t get the job done in a timely manner.

Perry goes back to the deadlines and they failed to file a motion to suppress in a timely manner, you waive that right.  The problem doing it at this date is there is no time to redact the videos.  You have 5 lawyers (9 if you can’t those who have left!) over there that have had ample time.

Pretty much, you snooze, you lose!

What a sorry excuse the defense is!  Mr. Baez, your dunce cap is back from the cleaners!

Next witness, Adriana Acevedo.  She was dispatched to the Anthony home. 

Lt.. Hosey and Fletcher were at the house.

As we know from hearings, she knew Lee from school and is the officer who drove Casey to Sawgrass.

Casey willingly got into the marked police car to go to Sawgrass.  She was in the back of the vehicle.  She was told she could say she didn’t want to go, but never requested to be returned home.

Casey gave directions to Sawgrass and apartment 210.

Casey pointed to a specific apartment and then Acevedo took her home.


Baez asks what Cindy’s demeanor was like?  Upset.

Mr Anthony?  Calm, quiet.

Casey was fairly quiet.

Like Mr. Anthony?  Yes.

Was Casey handcuffed?  Not that I saw.

Casey was in the back cage of the car?  Yes.

Did you see the garage open?  Yes.

Did you smell an odor from the car?  I smelled an odor, but don’t know if it came from the car.

You didn’t recognize it as decomp?  It smelt like garbage.

You didn’t think CSI should be called?  No.


The trunk was open?  I don’t know.

Do you have experience with the odor of decomp?  Not much.

So you couldn’t say if it was garbage or decomp?  No based on my experience

Witness released.

Acccckk, for about the 4th time today, the feed has dropped!  Storms have been moving through Orlando and all feeds are down!

Lt. Hosey is on the stand.

Casey told him that Caylee was at Sawgrass the last time she saw her.

Feed dropped again!

The bad thing is that Yuri Melich is waiting in the hall and we may miss his testimony!!!

Mason is on cross asks if he knew of any of the Anthony’s prior to being dispatched there?  No.

Mason is on his big, scary cars, uniforms and guns rant!

Feed dropped!

Hosey doesn’t remember Casey being handcuffed.

Mason bitchin about Casey in the back cage and all the ‘storm troopers’ running around the house.

At the house, was the garage open? Yes.

Was the trunk open?  Yes.

Did you smell a strong odor?  Yes.

Did you report that to CSI?  No.

Did you investigate the car?  No.

OFGS, they had a live, missing child they were looking for.

Was Casey advised of her Miranda rights?  I don’t know.

Could Casey get out of the cage of the car?  Yes, she could have told Officer Acevedo she wanted to get out.

Casey couldn’t open the door herself?  No, those doors don’t open from the inside.

Casey was led into her house by a full uniformed, gun-toting officer?

She was kept there with 3 deputies waiting for Yuri Melich?  They could have all been in the house.

So for one or two hours she was in the house with 3 deputies?  They weren’t necessarily all in the house at the same time.

Were you there when Det. Melich arrived and questioned Casey?  I don’t know how long I waited, the case now belonged to detectives.

You left with no evidence in your possession?  No.


Were you advised by Casey was alive, well and with a babysitter that should could not contact at that time?  Yes.

Did she advise that she didn’t want her mother to have contact with Caylee?  Yes.

Was Casey cooperative with you and your officers?  yes.


Was George calm?  When?

Anytime you were there?  Yes.

Did George tell you he was an ex-cop?  Yes.

Cindy was angry, upset and calm at times?  Yes.

Casey had a flat affect?  Yes.

You know what that means?  Yes.


Linda asks for a sidebar.

Yuri Melich next.

He arrived at the house around 4am and met Casey.  He knew Casey had given officers a written statement.  He identifies the statement.

He showed Casey the statement and she said she wrote it herself.

Linda asks to enter into evidence.

Baez objects as  Melich doesn’t know how the statement was obtained.  Not a proper predicate.


Baez jumps up with an additional objection and Perry tells him, it’s in now!  Then we renew previous objections.

Does anyone on the defense know law?

Published to the jury.

Linda asks Yuri to read Casey’s lie statement to the jury.  Casey doesn’t even flinch!

Where did you review that statement with Ms. Anthony?  In a spare bedroom.

Did Casey agree to speak with you?  Yes.

Did you tape the interview?  Yes.

Does the tape fairly reflect the conversation?  Yes.

Linda enters as evidence.

Baez objects.

Have you reviewed the transcript of the tape? Yes.


Hearing Casey’s lies in her own voice proves what a smooth operator she was!   Let your imagination run free!!!

After the statement did you and Casey head out to find those locations?  Yes.

The first location,  301 North Hillside, Casey pointed out 2 windows.  He found out later that Ricardo and Amy had lived across the street?  Casey didn’t tell him that!

They went to apartment 210.

The then went to Apartments at ConwayThis is supposedly a place Zanny lived.  Casey couldn’t remember which apartment.

There was a marked car traveling with them.

They left Conway around 6am and Yuri drove her home.

Did you begin an investigation then?   Yes.

No further questions.

Cross by Baez.  He wants to impeach Melich.  He wants to introduce info from Websleuths.  (When Yuri broke his leg, he visited the Yuri Melich Appreciation page a few times.  Not a thing about the case was said by him.)

Objection.  Sidebar…

Perry sends the jury out so they can resolve a legal issue.

Baez says Linda has a copy to which Linda says she has no copy, but if provided with one, she can review it when the court reviews it!

Another dirty move by the unprepared weasel!

All the time we’ve been doing this…Today is jackpot day for Baez looking like an ass of major proportions!

Judge Perry has reviewed the pages. 

Baez says the web pages show Melich self promotion and bias/credibility.

What are you talking about?  Just the engagement in this shows bias.

You’re saying he’s unprofessional?  Yes.

Judge Perry cites a bunch of cases regarding credibilty and impeachment.

Point to a specific instance of bias instead of this broad category.

9/29 Baez indicates Yuri uses the handle Dick Tracy, lol!

Perry can’t find the page, not in his pile.  Baez blames the copier for taking them out of order!  LMAO!

We’re going to utilize the ELMO.

Jeff says the blog shows no bias and isn’t relevant and not impeachment.

Anything else Mr. Baez?  Just that I disagree with Mr. Ashton.

Judge Perry rules…you lose Mr. Baez.

Baez also brought up a reprimand that he wants to question Yuri on. His supervisor reprimanded him for blogging.

How do these entries reference this case?  Yuri even posted that he can’t post about the case.

Baez is a complete Richard Cranium today, wasting everyone’s time.

He just doesn’t get it that Perry is telling him no!

I won’t ask Melich about this now, but may bring it up later.  I will warn the court if I do.

So, with all the time Dot spends on the computer in court, I’m guessing she’s the one tasked with searching the “worldwide” web for all this baseless drivel!

Baez gets that stupid smirk on his face every time the jury come in.  He looks like a damn maitre ‘d in a cheesy restaurant!

Yuri is called back!

He thought he was going to the home regarding a stolen vehicle.

Baez asks a series of questions that get objected to and the Judge sustains.

Was the garage door open?  I don’t recall.

Was the Pontiac in it?  I don’t recall.

Yuri says he was concerned about a missing child.

Someone told Yuri there was a bad odor from the car?

So you looked at the car?  No.

You never called CSI?  No.

When you got there, Casey was a suspect?  No, she was the mother of a missing child.

Did you tell Hosey to uncuff Casey?  I didn’t know she was cuffed.

You think her story is suspect.  Yes.

Missing child for 30 days?  Yes.

She’s not a suspect in your opinion?  No.

ZZZZZZZZ…Baez is getting nothing here.  If jurors wanted inference instead of facts or proof, this is the mother lode!

Baez is twisting and lying about Yuri’s report, line-by-line.  Yuri is professional and unshakable as always.

This picture of Yuri being questioned by Baez says it all, priceless! 

Were you told Casey had seizures?  No.

Did you get medical information on Casey?


No further questions.

No redirect.  Excused, subject to recall.

Court ends for the day for the jurors.

Judge Perry says on Friday he will ask the State where they think they are and when they will wrap up..

Linda says they are about half way, but the forensics may take longer.  Looks like they need another week and a half to two weeks.

Baez now brings up JAC payment for defense travel for those who need it prior to travel.  There is a 5 day prior requirement from JAC – of course they don’t have the motions done!

See  you at 9am!

Casey Anthony – ‘Fasten Your Seatbelts, We’re In For A Bumpy Ride’

05/31/2011 11 comments

August 2005 ~ June 2008

The long weekend provided a much-needed break from the Casey Anthony trial, not that you could escape it completely!

I thought of Casey this morning and wondered how she spent the weekend after her meltdown when she began to realize she no longer had her mother wrapped around her little finger.

I also thought of George and Cindy and how they fared.  I have never been a fan, but do agree they have suffered enormously.  I have to wonder if they felt a bit of relief and lightness after this new, apparent resignation and acceptance of the darkness that shrouds Casey.

My thoughts also wandered to the defense.  My opinion is Baez has botched this trial from the get-go.  He is totally inept at cross and his arrogance and sarcasm have to be leaving a bad impression with the jury. I realize Mason is the required, ‘death penalty qualified’ attorney, but just what the heck is Cheney Mason doing?  Is he so beguiled by Casey or has he tried to mentor Baez to no avail?

Mark Lippman’s motion, allowing Lee to be present in court, will be heard because the defense is objecting.  Does Lee want to show support for his mom and dad and also now sees Casey for what she really is?

We will also hear Judge Perry’s decision as to whether Baez can get his mitts on George’s Grand Jury testimony.

Dot immediately engages Casey to keep her occupied.

Judge Perry tells Lippman to begin,  but Mason interrupted with some nonsense.

Lippman says it’s the same motion filed on behalf of Cindy and George.

Mason snottily denies having deposed Lee.  The State says they have Lee’s deposition and Baez and Andrea Lyon were present.  The defense opted not to take Lee’s deposition.

State has no objection to Le”s presence.

Mason, of course, argues the legislation may not know what they are writing.  They didn’t describe what next of kin covered – an uncle should not be included.

Where does it stop?  What if Mr. Anthony had already married the woman that testified?   He continues on to say it should be apparent that George’s testimony was colored after Mr. Birch testified!

Lee’s depo was taken July 30 2009.  Judge Perry finds Baez did, indeed, conduct cross at the deposition!

Judge Perry says too bad and allows Lee to be in court!  Strike 1 !

The Grand Jury testimony by George is withheld from the defense!  Judge Perry found no conflicting testimony!  Strike 2!

And so begins another banner day for Team Baez!

Cindy is  recalled.  Holy cow, Casey actually tried force a wee, phony grin at Cindy!

Linda Burdick asks about July 3rd.  The evening Cindy posted on MySpace.  Cindy spoke to Casey about the posting the next day.  Did you discuss that Caylee was missing?  That was a figure of speech.

Did you say you felt betrayed?  Yes and Casey said she just needed time away, that she loved me and wasn’t trying to get her upset.  Someday Casey would be moving out and I realized I was being selfish so I quit questioning.

You thought she was with a ‘wealthy’ man and that’s why you stopped questioning her?  Yes.

Did you discuss your feelings that she was jealous of you?

Objection, overruled.

Casey denied being jealous of Cindy.

You discussed her leaving without warning?  Yes.

Did you discuss you were the one who, raised, fed and clothed?

Objection, beyond scope.  Overruled.

Yes, I wrote all that so it would have an impact on Casey.

Casey told Cindy, she does need her space.

After that, she would text or call just to make sure everything was ok.

Casey always told Cindy that Caylee was napping or with Jeff’s mother, on a boat…just various places.

Cindy thought Casey was coming home after the 4th of July.  Casey said her car had problems and Jeff was going to take it to his mechanic while they were in Jacksonville.

Did you share with George that you were in touch with Casey on a daily basis?  Oh for sure, George inquired everyday.  Cindy told George to let it go and give Casey some space.

Cindy thought Casey would be home July 15.  That was the day George picked up the certified letter.  George called Cindy and she called Casey and told her she had lot of explaining to do.  Casey didn’t explain and Cindy said she needed to come home so they could talk things out.

Cindy and George went to the tow yard together.  Cindy didn’t go near the car till George said they had to get going because the car smelled.

George parked in the garage.  As Cindy walked to the car, Cindy asked what died in the car?  George told her there had been garbage in the trunk.  Cindy says they opened the trunk, hood and windows.  She saw Caylee’s babydoll and backpack, Casey’s purse, shoes and a pair of Casey’s pants.  Cindy took the pants, doll and Casey’s pants.  She wiped the doll’s face and hands with a Clorox wipe.  She sprayed almost a full can of Febreze in the car.

The smell in the car was pretty strong, but she never put anybody in trunk, in her mind.

Cindy has been exposed with decomposing flesh as a nurse.

You used the expression, what died to your husband,  at that point did you consider anything had died in the car?  No.

Linda shows Cindy a photo of the back of the Pontiac which she identifies.

Recess called because of technical difficulties with the photos appearing to the jury prior to be entered into evidence.

Cindy identifies photos of the front and the driver side and interior of the vehicle.

Baez says no objections and says a sidebar is required.  This is due to Cindy having slipped and mentioned a steak knife that was in the car which Linda cut her off on.

Jury to disregard the testimony regarding the steak knife!

You removed the slacks?  Yes.  They smelled like the car, so I put them in the laundry.

There is a photo of the back seat with shoes, the boots and a dryer sheet.

Did you put the dryer sheet there?  Yes.

Cindy admits during her deposition she couldn’t remember about putting the dryer sheet there, but her memories started to come back.

Linda approaches with the depo and has Cindy read.

Baez objects, overruled.

On the day of the depo I explained I was under stress and changing medications.

Did you say you had no reason to put the dryer sheet there?  I was under stress.

Objection, impeachment!  Overruled.

Have a feeling there will be a ton of impeachment going on here!

Cindy identifies Caylee’s doll, Casey’s purse, the backpack and the blue bin in a photo which was turned over to LE.

Cindy is really starting to breakdown now.

Cindy admits going through Casey’s purse  and emptying an envelope containing Amy’s resumes.

She also looked through the backpack.  Photo shown and Cindy identifies.

Cindy removed Caylee’s toothbrush, comb, but placed them back later.

Cindy admits brushing her hand in the trunk and throwing out some pieces of debris in the trunk.

Cindy went to work and left the opened car in the garage.  She tried reaching Casey, but couldn’t get an answer.  She explained to co-workers a little bit about the car.  Her Director finally told her to go home.

The co-workers knew she hadn’t seen Caylee in a while.

Did you tell your co-workers it smelled like something had died in the car?  Yes. It was a figure of speech.

She went home and again tried to reach Casey.  She also sent a text to Casey saying there was a major problem.

She then got in touch with Amy and picked her up at the Florida Mall. Cindy told Amy she hadn’t seen Caylee and Casey was lying.  Amy brought Cindy to Tony’s.

Cindy asked Casey what she was doing there and said they needed to talk.  Casey said Caylee was with the nanny.  Cindy said, well we’re going to go get her.

Casey left with Cindy, but made reference to returning to Tony’s.  Cindy said fine, but not until we get things resolved.

Cindy continued to ask where Caylee was, but stopped because she didn’t want to embarrass Casey or Amy.

After they dropped Amy off Cindy told Casey she needed to start answering her questions.  Casey stated to make excuses why it wasn’t a good idea to see Caylee now.

Casey asked Cindy to take her back to Tony’s.  Cindy said she wasn’t going anywhere.  Cindy drove to the police station, but it was closed.  They continued to argue and Cindy called 911. 

Linda prepares to play the tape of the call.

Oops bench conference!  These have already been ruled admissible, so I don’t know what the heck Baez has an issue with!

Judge calls for a ‘special’ recess.

Sure as heck, Baez wants them held as hearsay.  Linda argues they were excited utterances.  OFGS, we did this at hearing!

Judge Perry is trying to craft an instruction that the tapes have limited scope of statements of crimes, ie theft and stolen car.

Mason doesn’t want portions of the tapes played at all.  Someone tell this old fool we already held hearings on this evidence!  Mason demands to see the final version…Perry hasn’t even finished writing it!

Now Mason says he’d prefer none of it got played!

Linda enters the 911 call.  Perry reads the stipulation that the tape is verified as a true copy of the 911 call.

Call 1 is published to the jury.   Cindy begins to weep.

Cindy drove home and Lee was waiting for them.  Cindy explained a bit of what was going on to Lee.

Casey refused to take Cindy to see Caylee saying it wasn’t a good time to disturb Caylee.

2nd 911 call is published to the jury.

Did police respond to that second call?   Not fast enough.

Cindy says she was getting angrier and angrier.  Lee and Casey were in Casey’s room and Cindy heard Casey tell Lee that Caylee had been missing for 31 days.

Cindy is in full breakdown mode.   It is brutal watching Cindy’s anguish.  If only she had reacted like this 2 years ago!

She’s says she then made the third call then.

Cindy begs Judge Perry for a break.  She has to be assisted from the stand and out to the hall.  George puts his arm around her as they exit the courtroom.

Word has it that Casey never even flinched during the playing of the calls.

Cindy is back on the stand.

Mrs. Anthony on that call you can be heard addressing someone else, was that your husband?  Yes.

What was his reaction?  Shock.  I collapsed in his arms and he was just trying to hold me up.

The first deputies arrived.  Cindy gave them a written statement.

She remembers Casey speaking to a deputy.

The Pontiac was turned over to LE the next day as well as the knapsack, doll.

She turned over the home computer as well as the laptop.

She gave LE some items that the ‘nanny’ had some contact with.

She gave DNA and hair samples to Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Lee worked to set up a tip line.

The family set up a command center to get the word out about Caylee.

After her arrest, Casey called home from jail on July 14.

Call is published.

Jury must be feeling real warm and fuzzy about Casey at this point!  The lies getting piled higher and deeper and Casey has her usual nasty, pouty face on.

Linda Burdick is done and Judge Perry calls lunch!

Cross ought to set off some fireworks!

Baez on cross.

Mrs.  Anthony is it true you and Casey are alike?  Yes.

You raised Casey to be caring and loving?  Yes.

You raised her to tell the truth?  I thought I did.

How was Casey as a mother?  She was great and it came naturally to her.

Caylee adored Casey.

You never saw Casey abuse or torture Caylee?  No.

Caylee never went without food or anything?  No.

Cindy identifies a photo of she and Casey at Rick’s wedding.  She didn’t believe Casey was pregnant at that time, but Rick asked if she might be pregnant.  Cindy told him no.

Baez’s snark just leaked out!

The large, protruding belly wasn’t from sports? She wasn’t participating in sports.

You’re aware Casey has been on jail for 3 years.  Yes, I’m aware every day.

She’s been sedentary for 3 years?  I haven’t been close enough to see her.  I don’t know what she is and isn’t allowed to do.

Your honor, may I have Ms. Anthony stand for Mrs. Anthony to identify her?

OK, Baez, here’s the deal…Cindy didn’t know or want to assume her daughter was pregnant then.  Having Cindy compare her belly to today is just stupid and obnoxious.  Get over your damned self, you mo mo!

Objection!  Sidebar.

Casey asked to stand.  Cindy told to stand down and look at her.

Casey doesn’t have a protruding belly like she had at the wedding.

When Casey went to the doctor a few days before the wedding because she might possibly have an ovarian cyst due to bloating, not feeling well.

She went to a gyno for the first time when she was 19.

That must make Cindy a bad mom!

Do you know when she had her 1st sexual partner?

Objection!  Sustained.

Who is Caylee’s father?

Objection.  Overruled, to the extent the answer comes from Casey.

Now, about Casey’s imaginary friends.  Well, let me ask this..

Casey told Cindy the father was Jesse Grund!  You found out it wasn’t Jesse?  Yes.

She then gave the name of Eric Baker and he was 2 years younger than Casey and it was a one-night-stand.  He was from Kentucky.

Did you want to meet Eric Baker?  No.

After Caylee’s 2nd birthday Casey called Cindy to say Eric Baker died in a car crash and Caylee. had a half-brother.

Do you think Eric Baker exists?


Baez asks again and Judge Perry tells Baez to move on!

Cindy tells how she knew about Jeff.  He worked IT at Universal and had a little boy.  Casey was confiding in him about her problems with Jesse.

Have you come to find out Jeff doesn’t exist?  If you’re telling me that now, I guess so.

Did you meet Jeff’s mother?  We were supposed to, but never did.

Did you have a phone number for her?  Yes.

Did you ever call her?  No, had no reason to.

Casey told Cindy Jeff’s mom had cancer.

Now, Zach’s mother was deceased?  Yes.

So Caylee’s father was deceased?  Yes.  And Zach’s mother was deceased/  Yes.

And Casey wanted to move in with Jeff and Zach and become a family?  Yes.

Did you plan a bbque?  Yes?  We also had plans to go to SeaWorld.  All the events got cancelled the day of.

Did it ever occur to you these people weren’t real?  No.

Did it ever occur to you all these people were imaginary?  I never thought they were imaginary.

Same deal about Juliette and Annabelle Lewis.

It’s sad how trusting Cindy was of her sneaking, lying daughter.

Same with Raquel Farrell.

Now we move to Zanny.

Saw no photo, never spoke to her, but knew the name since 2006 – same time she heard about Jeff.

You had no idea that Zanny was not a real person?  No I did not.

Zanny told Cindy about Zanny moving.  Zanny’s mother, Gloria, was ill with heart issues.  After Zach left, Zanny took up bartending to make ends meet.

Zanny’s sister was Samantha and had kids.

Cindy didn’t know, meet or speak with Samantha or Gloria.

Do you have any information they are anything but imaginary people?  I just found out they are imaginary, six weeks ago.

You hired Dominick Casey?  He worked for you.  After you had the falling out with him, he volunteered to help look for Casey.

Did you order Dominick to follow someone in Puerto Rico?

Objection, hearsay!  Sustained.

Do you believe Caylee was flown by private jet to Puerto Rico?

Objection!  Sustained.

When did you find out Casey wasn’t going to graduate?

Objection! Sustained.

I swear to God, Baez pays absolutely no attention to testimony as it happens!

Did you tell LE that Zanny might be Amy or Jesse?  Yes.

Did you testify to giving LE Zanny’s number?  Yes I did.

The number Cindy thought was Zanny’s turned out to be another f Casey’s friends.

Do you believe Caylee is alive?

Objection, relevance!  Sustained.

Did you testify Caylee could get out of your house easily?  I may have.

Did you tell LE that Caylee may have drowned?

Objection!  Sustained!

Did you tell Det. Melich about the ladder incident.  At some point I may have told them about the ladder was on the pool and the side gate was open.

It alarmed you?  Yes, the dogs were in the yard and I didn’t want them run out to the street.

You told co-workers somebody was swimming in your pool?  I may have mentioned it because it wasn’t George or me.

June 15, you and Caylee went swimming?  Yes.

You took the ladder down after you were done?  Yes.

Are you 100% sure?   As certain as I can be.

Did you recall speaking with Steph Watts?  Yes, he was with media outside my home.

Did you meet Mark Fuhrman?   Yes.

Did you invite them into your home?  Yes, Fuhrman offered his help.

Did you give them a tour of the backyard?  Yes.

Did you tell them you forgot to talk the ladder down?  No I did not.

Now Baez is back to the certified letter that was stuck in the front door.

God, he’s all over the friggin place.  Just wandering around the case and not getting anywhere!  They only point to all this is the point that can be found on top of Baez’s head!

What Baez has proven is that Casey powered tripped by lying.  If she didn’t know the difference between right and wrong, then she wouldn’t have had to lie, now would she?

Have you ever testified the car smelled like a dead body to get the police there quicker?  Yes.

Judge Perry calls a ‘special’ recess.

I think that means everyone should get medicated…pop ’em if ya got ’em!

Perry takes the bench and Mason immediately pops up and wants to approach!  Give me a damn break!

The calls from Casey at 4pm on the 16th…there were 6 in 4 minutes?  I’ don’t know.

Objection!  Sustained.

You worked for Gentiva?  Yes.

You have health insurance?  I did have insurance.

Baez wasnt to play a portion of the 3rd 911 call.

This is where he’ll say George didn’t say a word when Cindy said Caylee was missing!

Yup, that was exactly where he went! Baez will allude George already knew Caylee was dead and therefore said nothing.

You and Lee did all the questioning of Casey?  Yes.

George never questioned her?  By then, the Sheriff’s Office arrived.

Indians had a form of torture/death where they staked a person out in the desert, under the burning sun, tied a leather band around the forehead and dripped water on it.  As the water dried, the leather would shrink until it blew apart the person’s head.  Baez has perfected the method minus the stakes and leather strip!

Baez is now heading down a road about Cindy and George making money off the case and is making a fool of himself.

Book deals, movie deals, etc?  No.

What a sleaze! Baez got more money than they did!

Re-direct and a bench conference is called.

Caylee always had food, clothing and shelter?  Yes.

Cindy admits she provided food, clothing and the home where Caylee lived.

Has Casey’s weight fluctuated over the time she has been incarcerated?  Yes.

Caylee could not have put the ladder to the pool up by herself.

Baez keeps objecting and getting overruled!

Linda skillfully debunks all the crap Baez put out there.

Baez on re-cross. (Sigh)

The car smelled like nothing you had smelled before?  Correct.

You smelled dead bodies before?  Yes.

Did you call police with the small?  I did not believe it was a body.

You thought it was garbage?  Yes.

You told Ms. Burdick Casey’s lies began when Caylee was born?  Yes.

Do recall her graduation?  Yes.

Did you plan a party?  Yes.

But you found out that Casey wasn’t going to graduate?  The day before?

She was going to graduate, but couldn’t walk with the class.

So that was before Caylee was born?  Yes.

Cindy released, subject to recall.

State wants the 6 felony convictions against Casey presented.  Baez objects, but wants more time to investigate, hearsay?  I have no clue as to Baez’s argument!

Linda must have understood the argument because she says Baez elicited  answers from Cindy, hearsay statements.

Judge sends the jury out to resolve some matters out of their hearing.

Judge Perry says the burden is on the defense.  He will let Baez argue in the morning re:  Huggins rulings.  OMG!  Perry presided over that case!

You and the State, each have 10 minutes to argue in the morning.  The jury will only be told there are 6 prior convictions, but only to go to credibility of Casey.

Amy Huiznega is next.  Direct should take 30-40 minutes.

Baez says they need time.  He had no prior notice and he isn’t sure he has the file here.  He thought she was in Barcelona.

Linda say she is taking Amy out of turn, but informed Baez she would be here off the cruise ship over the weekend!

Judge asks, where is her file? In Kissimmee.  OMG! 

Perry says if they break now,  he will work them a full day on Saturday.

I gave you secured areas for your files and you haven’t put anything there.  I will not accept any further delays.

You’re not sequestered, but the jury is and they wanted to work Memorial Day and you did not!

We will hear direct testimony today, but don’t dare push my buttons again! (Paraphrase)

Amy is called.

She ‘was’ close friends with Casey.  Also with Ricardo Morales.

Perry calls them to the bench.

She believed Casey was an event coordinator at Universal, but never saw any Universal ID.

Between phone, text, MySpace, they had contact almost daily.

Amy saw Caylee on a few occasions at Ricardo’s.  Casey at times couldn’t go out with them because of Caylee.  Casey would put her to bed and the they would hang out.

January, February and March time frame, Casey couldn’t go out around once a week.

She was aware of the Casey, Ricardo breakup.

In May 2008, Casey and Amy made plans to move in together.

Did Casey and you go and look at an apartment or house?  There was, but it didn’t work out.

Casey told her she was taking over the mortgage payments on her parent’s house.

Amy wanted to meet Cindy, but that never happened either.

Casey told Amy that Cindy was going to watch Caylee and then couldn’t.  It happened quite often in the May 2008 time period and Casey’s frustration was mounting.

A message from Casey to Amy is identified by Amy.  Frank George moves to enter.

Baez objects to relevance and improper authentication.

Object, overruled.

The message says, my mom owes me, I’ll definitely will be there.    Casey was annoyed because her mother wouldn’t watch Casey.

Things were strained between Casey and Cindy.  Casey told Amy that Cindy said she was a bad mother, but didn’t understand why.

June 2008, she moved into Ricardo’s because she had wrecked her car and she could walk to work from there.

Casey was going to give Amy a ride to Jacksonville so she could pick up a car from her uncle.

June 13, Casey said there were family problems and she was going to the hospital with her dad and could give her a ride.

Casey wanted Amy to go to Fusian that night, but she didn’t go.

For 3 weeks in June, Amy never say Casey, but the called and texted.

Casey told Amy she had flat tires, ran out of gas twice and there was a really bad smell from the car.

Casey spoke about the smell in the car for a week and that maybe her dad ran over an animal when he borrowed the car.

Casey told her the smell was getting worse.

Casey told Amy the second time she ran out of gas she left her car was parked at Amscot and hoped she didn’t get towed.

June 30 Casey showed up at the apartment really early in the morning, she was not expected.

Casey was really frustrated with Cindy and said she was trying to keep Caylee out of the home because of problems at home.  George and Cindy were having problems and considering divorce because George had cheated on Cindy.

Amy believed she was moving into Casey’s in July.  At least twice Amy planned out moving, but both times it got cancelled.  Casey eventually told her Cindy backed-out of the deal of giving the house to Casey.

Baez objects.  Baez says the questioning is speculative and he moves to strike all.

When Casey showed up on the 30th, she ended up staying for a week!  Amy was uncomfortable because it wasn’t her place.

The Puerto Rico trip comes up.


Amy was picked up by Casey in Amy’s car.  Amy dropped Casey off at Tony’s.

JP and Amy went to the Florida Mall where Amy received a call from Cindy who was very frightened.

She describes taking Cindy to Tony’s.

Amy motioned to Casey to come outside.  Cindy was angry and confrontational.

“It was a massive explosion between mother and daughter.”

Casey agreed to take Cindy to Caylee, only after a lot of persuasion.

Objection!  Overruled.

They leave the apartment complex.  Amy sat in the back of the car and Casey sat in front.

Casey would only say Caylee was with the nanny.  She pretty much crossed her arms and glared.

Frank George is done.

Judge Perry will release the jury for the day.

Judge says for the hearing tomorrow, they will get copies of today’s transcripts sometime this evening.  He lays out the ground rules for the hearing.

Back at 8:30 am.

Drinks on the house!